Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis Of Alexander Pope s A Modest Proposal

â€Å"It is a melancholy object to walk through this great town, or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabin doors crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags and all importuning every passenger for alms.† â€Å"A Modest Proposal† by Jonathan Swift.â€Å" All Nature is but art, unknown to thee All chance, direction, which thou cannot see; All discord, harmony not understood; All partial evil, universal good.† â€Å"Essay On Man† by Alexander Pope, both viewed mankind in Similar ways such as prideful, selfish, and unreasonable to name a few. Basing his work the Great chain of being, Pope argues that man believes that the universe exists solely for his pleasure. In this†¦show more content†¦Lastly, of putting a spirit of honesty, industry, and skill into our shop-keepers, who, if a resolution could now be taken to buy only our native goods, would immediately unite to cheat and exact upon us in the price, the measure, and the goodness, nor could ever yet be brought to make one fair proposal of just dealing, though often and earnestly invited to it Therefore I repeat, let no man talk to me of these and the like expedients, till he hath at least some glympse of hope, that there will ever be some hearty and sincere attempt to put them into practice.† In the quote the narrator was like look here, you cannot tell me anything about what I know concerning change. AnotherShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis : Jonathan Swift1425 Words   |  6 PagesJoshua Diaz Mary Ellen Griffith Freshman Comp. II Oct. 27, 2015 Literary analysis The author I decided to write about is Jonathan Swift for he had a keen sense for effective sarcasm. As Jonathan Swift said â€Å"The proper words in the proper places are the true definition of style.† Though he was known in different ways, he was mostly popularized through his gift in writing, particularly his satire, or his use of humor and irony, essays. Through out swift life, there has been plenty of eventsRead MoreLiterary Analysis of The Rape of the Lock Essays1922 Words   |  8 Pages Author and his times: Alexander Pope was born in London in 1688. Because he was a Roman Catholic living in a predominately Protestant society, he was largely excluded from the university system and therefore was self-taught, for the most part. At the age of twelve, he contracted tuberculosis, a disease that left him stunted and misshapen. Consequently, he suffered a great deal of emotional trauma and social anxiety. His only tool for interaction was his incredible wit and talent for writingRead MoreGulliver ´s Travels by Jonathan Swift: Biographical Summary1982 Words   |  8 Pagesbecause they insulted Queen Anne. Even though these works insulted the Queen, they appealed to the public, when they were published in 1704, and established Swift as a prominent literary figure of the time. Swift published Gulliver’s Travels and Modest Proposal in 1726 and 1729, respectively, and these works are considered his best satires. Swift then reluctantly took up a position as an Anglican clergyman while living in Ireland. During this time, he switched from the Whig to the Tory political partyRead MoreCleanth Brookss Essay Irony as a Principle of Structure9125 Words   |  37 PagesMarx’s economic theories as such: we shall confine our discussion to their methodological premises and implications. It will in any case be obvious to the reader that the present writer upholds the validity of their content. Secondly, a detailed analysis of Rosa Luxemburg’s thought is necessary because its seminal discoveries no less than its errors have had a decisive influence on the theories of Marxists outside Russia, above all in Germany. To some extent this influence persists to this day. ForRead MoreStabilisation in Investment Contracts and Changes of Rules in Host Countri es: Tools for Oil Gas Investors34943 Words   |  140 Pagesoil and gas investors’ on the basis of the analysis presented in this study. *** I wish to thank the many AIPN members who have shared their ideas and materials with me in the course of carrying out this study. As is often the case with AIPN studies, this author has benefited from access to the very extensive Barrows collection of materials, and I thank Gordon Barrows for his cooperation. The AIPN appointed a peer reviewer, Frank C. Alexander Jr., for this study, and I wish to thank himRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 Pagesneed, especially in , supply disruptions, nat ural disasters, and unstable regimes? True global energy sec urity will be a result of cooperation and engage ment, not isolationism When inve stment and . expertise are allowed to flow freely across border s, the engine of innovation is ignited, prosperity is fueled and the energy available to everyone inc reases. At the same tim balancing the needs of e, producers and consum ers is as crucial as increa sing supply and curbin g demand. Only then wil l theRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesmain issues inï ¬â€šuencing the competitive position of a number of organisations in the same industry with a relatively short case. For a case that permits a more comprehensive industry analysis The Pharmaceutical Industry could be used. However, if the purpose is more focused – illustrating the use of ‘ï ¬ ve forces’ analysis – the TUI case study or Illustration 2.3 on The Steel Industry could be used. Some cases are written entirely from published sources but most have been prepared in cooperation withRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 PagesCongress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIonRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century together—one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonization—they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Israel Defense Force ( Idf ) - 840 Words

In 2005, the Israeli government tasked the Israel Defense Force (IDF) to clear Israeli settlements in Gaza as part of a disengagement strategy. The 8,500 settlers first occupied the area at the end of the Six Day War in 1967 and created a robust community and economy within the territory. Tasked with moving the settlers, IDF Brigadier General Gershon Hacohen faced a challenging and complicated task to remove the settlers from their homes peacefully. Hacohen’s critical-thinking process faced tremendous challenges in an emotionally charged situation. The two Elements of Thought that posed the greatest challenge to his critical thinking were â€Å"Points of View† and â€Å"Implications and Consequences† of his thought processes throughout the operation. Point of View â€Å"Point of View† describes the various references, perspectives, and experiences affecting critical thinking. To think critically about a problem and create potential solutions, a person must understand personal views, other alternative perspectives, and irregularities or falsehoods within both. Hacohen faced two potentially irreconcilable points of view in his mission: the perspectives of the settlers and the Israeli government. The IDF and the settlers both believed they were acting in Israel’s best interest, but through different perspectives. One of Hacohen’s greatest challenges was understanding these different perspectives to create a solution. The settlers believed the land rightfully belonged to them forShow MoreRelated Women in the Israeli Army Essays1382 Words   |  6 PagesWomen have always played a very integral role in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), since its inception in 1948 shortly after the declaration of the State of Israel. The IDF is regarded as one of the most well trained armed forces in the world thanks in part to the progressive changes in the military with regards to equality for women. Historically, at the ground roots of the IDF, women were held back from combat and served mostly in a variety of support duties under the command of Chen (Women’sRead MoreThe Impacts Of Israels Operation Protective Attacks In Israel1133 Words   |  5 Pagesunceasing missile, rocket and mortar fire on civilian centers in Israel, on July 7, 2014, Israel launched a military operation, codenamed â€Å"Operation Protective Edge.† Israel Defense Forces (IDF) targeted strategic Hamas facilities, tunnels, we apons and leadership. The conflict lasted 50 days, with a series of short-lived ceasefires breached by Hamas. Israel initially attacked Hamas targets by air, however, on July 17, Israel sent ground forces into Gaza for a period of just over two weeks in order to destroyRead MoreWhat Is Defending The Holy Land?1095 Words   |  5 PagesIron Doom missile defense system has made making peace with its neighbors outdated. Israel has created a hi-tech weapon system with the support of the United States, that has saved many lives and property damage, but at the strategic level, the invention also causes damage by allowing Israelis to pump up their sense of victimhood. This allows the Israeli government to achieve limited military operation. The Iron Dome will not return peace to the residents of southern Israel, nor the PalestiniansRead MoreThe Mission Command Of The Commander1898 Words   |  8 PagesGeneral (LTG.) Yitzhak Rabin is one of the most revered commanders in Israel s histo ry. As a young soldier, Rabin fought for Israel before it was a recognized country. 3 At the age of 24 he was given command of the 1,400 soldier Harel Brigade, which played a critical role in the 1948 Palestine War for Israel’s Independence.4 After a number of important roles, in 1964 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, the position he would hold during the Six Day War and until the end ofRead MoreA Mixture Of Historical And Currents Facts About Israel Essay1386 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness Country Profile (Part 1): Getting to Know Israel Autiyonna Johnson February 28, 2016 Global Business 310 This paper examines a mixture of historical and currents facts about Israel. Specifically, the country is placed under the microscope in order to explain history of origin, geographical location, statistical demographics, government structure, and military structure. Together, these findings based on detailed research suggests that Israel is a country rich in complex history that predatesRead MoreThe Art of War by Sun Tzu Essay1256 Words   |  6 Pagesbeliefs. Mandatory military service has proven itself to work in other countries. Currently 25 countries have required military service. These include Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bermuda, Brazil, Burma, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Iran, Israel, North Korea, South Korea, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Ukraine (â€Å"CIA Site† 1). Although many countries have compulsory military service, most of Western Civilization has done away with it, except forRead MoreAn Analysis of the Interactive Violence of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2459 Words   |  10 PagesAdhut Ha’avodah and Labor Rafi parties combined. Its stated security policy position is that the government of â€Å"Israel is responsible for the personal and general security of the citizens of the state of Israel.† The party’s idea of peace is based on negotiation through respect of the right of self-determination and statehood and the superior strength of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), which will maintain Israel’s military edge through technological means. Acts of terrorism will not be toleratedRead MoreThe Military : Protections For Women In The Military1715 Words   |  7 Pagesthat more recently similar ideas surrounding sexual abuse of females within militaries have become more prevalent. In recent a recent survey The Israeli Defense Forces found that one in every six women had been sexually abused over the course of her enrollment in the IDF. While there have been reports that sex crimes have doubled in the IDF, there has been little done, other then investigations to try and stop these acts from occurring. In fact, members of the program who were responsible for talkingRead MoreWar and Massacre, by Thomas Nagel872 Words   |  4 PagesIn mid-November of last year amidst rising tensions in the Middle East, Israel launched a major offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza on Wednesday, killing the military commander, Ahmed Al-Jabari of Hamas in an air strike. This strike on a car carrying the commander stemmed the beginning to what is known by the Israeli’s as operation â€Å"Pillar of Defense†. Following this â€Å"surgical† assassination, the Israeli air force struck over 20 underground rocket launch sites belonging to Hamas (governingR ead MoreCauses Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict In The Middle East1820 Words   |  8 Pageshave been an on-going issue since the establishment of Israel in 1948. The primary cause of the fighting between Arab-Israeli is the rejection of Israel exists in the Middle East. The first known outburst of Arab-Israeli conflict occurred in 1948. The United Nations stepped in to ensure peace in the Middle East, but that peace ended in 1967 when Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian President, instigated another war, with the intent to annihilate Israel. He successfully formed an alliance with all Arab countries

The Israel Defense Force ( Idf ) - 840 Words

In 2005, the Israeli government tasked the Israel Defense Force (IDF) to clear Israeli settlements in Gaza as part of a disengagement strategy. The 8,500 settlers first occupied the area at the end of the Six Day War in 1967 and created a robust community and economy within the territory. Tasked with moving the settlers, IDF Brigadier General Gershon Hacohen faced a challenging and complicated task to remove the settlers from their homes peacefully. Hacohen’s critical-thinking process faced tremendous challenges in an emotionally charged situation. The two Elements of Thought that posed the greatest challenge to his critical thinking were â€Å"Points of View† and â€Å"Implications and Consequences† of his thought processes throughout the operation. Point of View â€Å"Point of View† describes the various references, perspectives, and experiences affecting critical thinking. To think critically about a problem and create potential solutions, a person must understand personal views, other alternative perspectives, and irregularities or falsehoods within both. Hacohen faced two potentially irreconcilable points of view in his mission: the perspectives of the settlers and the Israeli government. The IDF and the settlers both believed they were acting in Israel’s best interest, but through different perspectives. One of Hacohen’s greatest challenges was understanding these different perspectives to create a solution. The settlers believed the land rightfully belonged to them forShow MoreRelated Women in the Israeli Army Essays1382 Words   |  6 PagesWomen have always played a very integral role in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), since its inception in 1948 shortly after the declaration of the State of Israel. The IDF is regarded as one of the most well trained armed forces in the world thanks in part to the progressive changes in the military with regards to equality for women. Historically, at the ground roots of the IDF, women were held back from combat and served mostly in a variety of support duties under the command of Chen (Women’sRead MoreThe Impacts Of Israels Operation Protective Attacks In Israel1133 Words   |  5 Pagesunceasing missile, rocket and mortar fire on civilian centers in Israel, on July 7, 2014, Israel launched a military operation, codenamed â€Å"Operation Protective Edge.† Israel Defense Forces (IDF) targeted strategic Hamas facilities, tunnels, we apons and leadership. The conflict lasted 50 days, with a series of short-lived ceasefires breached by Hamas. Israel initially attacked Hamas targets by air, however, on July 17, Israel sent ground forces into Gaza for a period of just over two weeks in order to destroyRead MoreWhat Is Defending The Holy Land?1095 Words   |  5 PagesIron Doom missile defense system has made making peace with its neighbors outdated. Israel has created a hi-tech weapon system with the support of the United States, that has saved many lives and property damage, but at the strategic level, the invention also causes damage by allowing Israelis to pump up their sense of victimhood. This allows the Israeli government to achieve limited military operation. The Iron Dome will not return peace to the residents of southern Israel, nor the PalestiniansRead MoreThe Mission Command Of The Commander1898 Words   |  8 PagesGeneral (LTG.) Yitzhak Rabin is one of the most revered commanders in Israel s histo ry. As a young soldier, Rabin fought for Israel before it was a recognized country. 3 At the age of 24 he was given command of the 1,400 soldier Harel Brigade, which played a critical role in the 1948 Palestine War for Israel’s Independence.4 After a number of important roles, in 1964 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, the position he would hold during the Six Day War and until the end ofRead MoreA Mixture Of Historical And Currents Facts About Israel Essay1386 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness Country Profile (Part 1): Getting to Know Israel Autiyonna Johnson February 28, 2016 Global Business 310 This paper examines a mixture of historical and currents facts about Israel. Specifically, the country is placed under the microscope in order to explain history of origin, geographical location, statistical demographics, government structure, and military structure. Together, these findings based on detailed research suggests that Israel is a country rich in complex history that predatesRead MoreThe Art of War by Sun Tzu Essay1256 Words   |  6 Pagesbeliefs. Mandatory military service has proven itself to work in other countries. Currently 25 countries have required military service. These include Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bermuda, Brazil, Burma, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Iran, Israel, North Korea, South Korea, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Ukraine (â€Å"CIA Site† 1). Although many countries have compulsory military service, most of Western Civilization has done away with it, except forRead MoreAn Analysis of the Interactive Violence of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2459 Words   |  10 PagesAdhut Ha’avodah and Labor Rafi parties combined. Its stated security policy position is that the government of â€Å"Israel is responsible for the personal and general security of the citizens of the state of Israel.† The party’s idea of peace is based on negotiation through respect of the right of self-determination and statehood and the superior strength of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), which will maintain Israel’s military edge through technological means. Acts of terrorism will not be toleratedRead MoreThe Military : Protections For Women In The Military1715 Words   |  7 Pagesthat more recently similar ideas surrounding sexual abuse of females within militaries have become more prevalent. In recent a recent survey The Israeli Defense Forces found that one in every six women had been sexually abused over the course of her enrollment in the IDF. While there have been reports that sex crimes have doubled in the IDF, there has been little done, other then investigations to try and stop these acts from occurring. In fact, members of the program who were responsible for talkingRead MoreWar and Massacre, by Thomas Nagel872 Words   |  4 PagesIn mid-November of last year amidst rising tensions in the Middle East, Israel launched a major offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza on Wednesday, killing the military commander, Ahmed Al-Jabari of Hamas in an air strike. This strike on a car carrying the commander stemmed the beginning to what is known by the Israeli’s as operation â€Å"Pillar of Defense†. Following this â€Å"surgical† assassination, the Israeli air force struck over 20 underground rocket launch sites belonging to Hamas (governingR ead MoreCauses Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict In The Middle East1820 Words   |  8 Pageshave been an on-going issue since the establishment of Israel in 1948. The primary cause of the fighting between Arab-Israeli is the rejection of Israel exists in the Middle East. The first known outburst of Arab-Israeli conflict occurred in 1948. The United Nations stepped in to ensure peace in the Middle East, but that peace ended in 1967 when Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian President, instigated another war, with the intent to annihilate Israel. He successfully formed an alliance with all Arab countries

Monday, December 9, 2019

Budget Cuts Essay Example For Students

Budget Cuts Essay Id like to inform you about the great deal of budget cuts happening everyday in our public school systems. One of the hardest hit is in our arts and music departments. The battle over NEA funding and other important foundations that are set up to benefit our youths are being challenged by the government at an alarming rate. Cutbacks in our schools budget force students in these departments to go without necessary supplies that are essential in the learning process. Id also like to show you why art and music education is essential to our childrens learning process, how it allows them to grow up to be well rounded citizens, and why as a country, we need to fight to save these programs. It seems to be a continuous battle for art and music educations demand for some respect. Many legislators feel the problem in our schools is that budgets where not amended to fit the rise of costs in our economy. And because of this there simply arent simple ways to fund these programs. Other reasons for problems in the arts and music departments budget is that even though there is inadequate funding schools pass programs without promise of long-term support. Thus, creating a cycle of budget problems. This is our problem. One particular agency, out of many, the NEA is facing problems that are similar to most in the art and music debates. ?The conservatives are pressing the case that, in the time of tight federal budgets, taxpayers cannot afford funding for the agency, which received a $99 million appropriation for fiscal 1997. The critics also argue that the agency continues to fund pornographic and blasphemous projects.(Freedman,p.624)? As stated by Allan Freedman of Government and Commerce magazine, sums up the views some government officials are having concerning the NEA, an organization set up to benefit those in the art community. This organization is a powerful factor in terms of art education. The organization looks at all different types of art forms, such as poetry, painting, jewelry, ceramics, as well as dealing with the issues of art education. These feelings by leading government officials are being expressed in all aspects of funding for the arts and music. The NEA is causing quite a stir in congress, and also according to Freedman, ? ? in 1995, the agencys foes not only managed to push through major budget cuts, but secured a pledge from the house leadership to eliminate the agency?(Freedman,p.624)? But why? Does our government really not have enough money? Of course it does, thats not the problem, the problem is that we have not reached the point where we can have a perfect budget. Where we can distribute our funds properly. According to the same article, Rick A. Lazio of New York, one of the chief Republican NEA defenders in the house, ? We spend more on military marching bands then we do on the endowment.(Freedman,p.624)? There are many polices, budget and funding issues that need to be looked over, some are out-dated, some miss used, and others just not effective in our educational system today. Lets face it the ?perfect budget? will never happen, the economy is ever-changing and the same goes for dealing with and handing out the funds. Both state and governmen t agencies who deal with the budget of our art and music programs need to deal with what is before them. If there is not enough means of funding, then outside groups need to make up for that. This is why organization such as the NEA need to be supported not fought. Not everybody in our government is opposed to adequately funding our art and music education departments, in fact according to Arts Education and School Improvement Resources For Local and State Leaders, The Congress finds that 1) the arts are forms of understanding and ways of knowing that are fundamentally important to education;2) the arts are important to excellent education and to effective school reform;3) the most significant contribution of the arts to education reform is the transformation of teaching and learning;4) such transformation is best realized in the context of comprehensive, systemic education reform;5) demonstrated competency in the arts for American students is among the National Education Goals;6) participation in performing arts activities has proven to be an effective strategy for promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream settings;7) opportunities in the arts have enabled persons of all ages with disabilities to participate more fully in school and community activities;8) the arts can motivate at-risk students to stay in school and become active participants in the educational process; and9) arts education should be an integral part of the elementary and secondary school curriculum. .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .postImageUrl , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:hover , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:visited , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:active { border:0!important; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:active , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Atomic Bomb EssayThese feelings are actually abundant in Washington. In fact our president as well as Al Gore are focusing hard on the idea of reforming our educational system in order to give these programs the money they need to be effective. According to The New York Times quoting Bill Clinton, ? Education has been an important dividing line between those who are able to move ahead and those who lag behind.(Clinton,p.16)? And Bill Clintons budget proposals give strength to that. ? The education budget calls for spending $1.75 billion, up $450 million from this fiscal year.(Clinton,p.16)? His Plan gives a high priority to wiring classrooms for the internet, hiring mo re teachers, reducing class size, as well as fixing up dilapidated schools. Gore of course is following the presidents path of holding education in top priority. But with all this talk about the budget being brought up to date, where is the proof. The lack of funding is causing a drought as far as supplies are concerned. Maybe I should reiterate, lack of resources is a better way to put it because now we are losing not only our supplies, but our programs and teachers. The dedicated school teachers we are still fortunate to have are being forced to spend a great deal of their own money on their students supplies. According to Art Education magazine, in a study they did on classroom budgets, ? The average yearly budgets run the gamut from nothing to $9,000?73% of the respondents indicated that they normally spend their own money on additional art supplies- at an average of $348.32 per year. The range of out-of-pocket spending among these respondents extended from $25 to $5000 per-year, with 21% of the teachers stated that they spend at least $500 each school year.(p.7)?The dedication of our teachers is incredible. In many cases these teachers are putting their students welfare and needs over their own. One such instance occurred in the San Francisco school system with a special education teacher by the name of Bill Gallimore. ? Gallimore?,makes $31,00. His students, all disabled children in grades three, four, and five, have so many basic needs that he already has spent $500 on classroom supplies this semester. Because the school district only pays teachers just once a month, Gallimore had to decide between buying the supplies or paying his phone bill. Pacific Bell turned off his phone.(Asmiov,p.A21)?Is this the kind of thing we want our educators to have to deal with. All throughout my school career I remember my teachers having to do the same things. I remember being in high school ceramics and by January we were without clay, so my teacher had to spend her own hard earned money on us the rest of the year. You can imagine how nerve racking it would be to deal with this kind of budget. All normal lesson plans would have to be thrown out the window in order to stretch your funds to last the whole year. What possibilities are open to students interested in these subjects. I would find it hard for a child t o get interested in playing an instrument with no instruments available. Arts and music are important to our children in many ways. A child doesnt necessarily have to grow up to be a scientist, doctor, or lawyer. There are an abundant careers available in these fields such as graphic design, music production, as well as advertising. Many studies show that the arts and music provide children with an interest in learning all of their subjects. Not only do these classes provide a break in a hard day of academics, but they give students a chance to free their minds an bodies of the stress that comes along with school in general. Also children become better all around students, being able to deal better with group skills, independent creative thought, problem solving, risk taking, along with helping some students with their self esteem and self expression. It takes a lot to perform a music ensamble, you need not only practice but to deal with all that comes along when students need to do a presentation. This kind of experience will be an asset to anybody in a career position. When students tend to take pride in their work as an artist they begin to take pride in them selves. According to Art Education Policy Review, ?Arts education promotes self-expression, creativity, intuitive, and sensory-oriented learning. In addition, arts education fosters both discipline and cognitive and emotional development. It also contributes to the nations goals for teaching and learning: for example, improving the high school graduation rate, promoting student achievement in challenging subject matter, fostering a disciplined environment. The public discourse on U.S. competitiveness in the world economy spotlights the values of problem solving, risk taking, higher-order thinking skills, teamwork and creativity. These values are part of the arts and art education.(Hanna,p.37)? Art and music education is important for all these reasons, the point of art and music isnt to take a students mind off of his or her academics, but to prepare them for adulthood. The government needs to insure these programs in our school, and make sure they get the attention they deserve. I hope I have explained the importance of funding for the Arts and music programs in our public schools. It is essential to be aware whats going on in our schools. Our childrens and countries welfare may depend on it!Bibliographylost but in paperArt Essays

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council

Table of Contents Introduction The Major Concliar Documents Features of the Council Changes in the Eucharistic Celebration Defense on the teachings of the Vatican II Council Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The Second Vatican Council was the twenty-first ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church is considered the brainchild of Pope John XXIII. The council commenced on the October 11th 1962 with an inaugural speech given by the Pontiff (Comby and MacCulloch 56). From this speech, he outlined some of the major issues that he hoped the council would address.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Germane among them touched majorly, but not exclusively, on the pastoral aspect of the Church, ecumenism with other Christian Churches, hierarchical structure of the Church, et cetera. Other challenges that bishops faced in their profession include d technological challenges, social change, political instability and financial challenges. Accordingly, there was need to equip them with a common knowledge that reaffirmed the Church’s position on such issues. Pope John XXIII saw the need to convene an ecumenical council three months into his papacy, something that surprised members of the curia, though was widely supported across the secular and religious sanctums. In fact, the Pontiff used to say before the commencement of the council that it was high time the windows of the Church were opened to let in fresh air. He further surprised the curia when he invited non-Catholic Christians to send their observations, to which the Eastern Churches accepted together with some Protestants. However, his death on June 3, 1963 marked the end of the first session of the council to be continued by the second session, which was called by the new Pope Paul VI. This paper attempts to discuss the features of this council and defends its tea ching. The Major Concliar Documents The Council Fathers explained very well the constitution on the divine revelation, the Roman Catholic understanding of the Bible as a direct communication from God, the tradition, and the magisterium (the Church authority) as an integrated divine economy that forms the basis of her faith. The church council took a biblical understanding of the church in its constitution rather than a peddled judicial model. The Church was termed as the ‘people of God’ thus stressing the servanthood of the presbyterian offices, the collegial or shared responsibility of bishops for the whole Church. Moreover, the new concept called upon church members to holiness and participation in the Church’s mission of proclaiming the Good News. The pastoral constitution espoused the shared joy and hope, the grief and anguish of the contemporary humanity, especially of the poor and the afflicted (Second Vatican Council 3). The Council Fathers in the constitu tion on liturgy rooted for active communal participation during holy Mass, which is the central act of Catholic public worship. Changes could only be enacted after replacing the Latin language, which was used in the Mass by vernacular languages. Some documents endeavored to establish a cordial relationship with the Eastern Churches and Protestant Christians as well as those who did not profess Christianity.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Features of the Council Changes that the Council Fathers made in the liturgy of the Church demonstrate the impact that the twenty-first ecumenical council had on Catholic Christians. These changes were so radical that some Catholics, especially old ones, found them disturbing. For example, having grown accustomed to the Latin Mass, the abandonment of this language did not go down well with them. The abandonment of Latin as a common language to conduct mass led to many bishops being unhappy because mass was taken as a common prayer. However, for â€Å"full participation of the People of God in the Mass, the council not only changed from Latin to English in parts of the Mass, but also authorized the use of vernacular in the Mass as well as in the administration of every sacrament and sacrament† (Comby and MacCulloch 36). The promulgation of the Constitution of Sacred Liturgy in September 1964 resulted from the above resolution buttressed by the fact liturgy is at the center of Christian life and worship. In line with the centrality of the liturgy in the life of Christians, the council resolved that the high altar be situated at a position that makes it possible for the priest to face the congregation while saying Mass. The â€Å"council further resolved that the crucifix and the candlesticks be placed upon the altar in a customary manner; though in certain circumstances, the bishop may allow them to be placed alo ngside the altar† (Comby and MacCulloch 56). The ambo (lectern) from which Scripture readings are made, should be easily seen by the faithful. All these changes were made in order to make faithful participate in the Mass as the assembly of the People of God. Changes in the Eucharistic Celebration The rite of the Eucharistic celebration underwent the following changes that the Council Fathers saw fit. If the Mass was preceded by another liturgical service, then all opening prayers become null. Similarly, the doxology is to be said or sung loudly. There was the omission of the sign of the cross made at this point with the introduction of the celebrant lifting the Eucharist and the chalice above the corporal. The faithful and the celebrant say or sing the â€Å"Our Father† and the Embolism is said thereafter for freedom from evil and the forgiveness of sins. The council shortened the words spoken by the priest when giving Holy Communion to â€Å"The Body of Christ† to which the person answers â€Å"Amen† (Second Vatican Council 3). In all the Masses said on Sundays and Holydays, the Gospel is explained by the homily, which may be drawn from other texts of the Mass considering the feast or solemnity celebrated. Regarding the Eucharistic Fast, which formerly started from midnight, was reduced to three hours and finally, the council reduced it further to one hour after receiving the Eucharist (Second Vatican Council 2).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The council reinstated the catechuminate rituals of adults receiving instructions on the Catholic faith. Most sacraments were renamed and given new explanations, for example, the formerly â€Å"Extreme Unction† became Anointing of the Sick. Previously, â€Å"the right to give many blessings had been reserved and a priest had to obtain a special authority before blessing† (McGowan 56). The council changed this with some exceptions thus making it possible for any priest to offer blessings. This custom was â€Å"extended to other occasions such as Mass on the evening of Maundy Thursday, and Masses celebrated at the meetings of priests† (McGowan 59). Regarding music and singing, the council recognized that worship was noble when accompanied with solemn songs. The council allowed for other kinds of sacred music to be incorporated into the liturgy (Maines McCallion 97). According to the Constitution of the Church, the council espoused that the Catholic Church holds the belief that it is the one, holy catholic and apostolic Church of Christ. However, it solemnly acknowledges the activity of the Holy Ghost on all men since the divine action goes beyond the boundaries of the physical Church. The author writes: On the hierarchical structure of the Church, the council used the term ‘college’ to denote the unified, corporate body of men consisting of bishops with the authority together with the Pope as the head (Shaw 16) Defense on the teachings of the Vatican II Council From the use of Latin to the use of vernacular for saying Mass, the Council Fathers did a commendable work to include all faithful in the liturgical celebration of the Mass (Tuan 8). For this reason, many people have been converted to the Catholic faith and are able to participate fully in the liturgy. The changes made on the altar allowing the priests to face the congregation while celebrating Mass have added fervor to the participation of the laity in the liturgy. The freedom given by the council regarding the use of sacred music and percussion instruments has made many cultures to embrace the Catholic faith. Moreover, the decree on divine revelation that combines three sources of revelation gives the Church a wealth of information on the divine through the Congregation of Sacred Faith (The Second Vatican Council 13 ).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The recognition by the council that the activity of the Holy Ghost is eminent in all men has facilitated the cordial relationship between Catholics and other Christian denominations such as the Eastern Churches and the Protestants. The ingenuity of the council on this issue was reinforced by the decree on ecumenism with Christians and non-Christians alike. In the world where interdependence is unavoidable, harmonious coexistence is necessary and this is what the council espoused. Conclusion Pope John XXIII saw the need of convening an ecumenical council immediately after he took office of the papacy, hence the surprise of the curia members. In spite of his decisions, he was widely supported across the secular and religious sanctums. Further surprise came after his invitation of non-catholic members to provide their observations of the conduct of the church to the council. Eastern Churches accepted the invitation together with other Protestants.teh death of the Pope in 1963 meant tha t the first section of the council ends with the second session beginning after the new Pope, Paul VI assumed office. The council sought to equip bishops and other members of the clergy with common knowledge that reaffirmed the Church’s position on controversial issues facing them and the church in general. The Second Vatican Council has gone down in history as an ecumenical council that radically shook the Church by making unprecedented changes that hitherto had not been witnessed. Such changes made in the language used for saying Mass were very instrumental in making the People of God to participate in the liturgy. Pope Paul VI finally promulgated the fresh air that Pope John XXIII had envisaged to refresh the Church. The teachings on social, economic, and political dispensations of the century were equally timely. Finally, the thoroughness of the council that made it issue sixteen documents is also worthy of praise. This is because the documents addressed issues affecting the clergy and the church hence leaving everybody contented with the church actions. Works Cited Comby, Jean and MacCulloch, Diarmid. How to read church history: From the reformation to the present day. London: SCM Press, 1989. Print. Maines, David McCallion, Micheal. Transforming Catholicism: Liturgical change in the Vatican II Church. New York: Lexington Books, 2007. Print. McGowan, Jean. Concelebration: sign of the unity of the Church. Sacramento: Herder and Herder, 1964. Print. Shaw, Russell. Papal primacy in the third millennium. New York: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 2000. Print. The Second Vatican Council. The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Dedicated to â€Å"The Immaculate†. The Vatican, May 2011.Web. Tuan, Catherine. Vatican II and ecumenism: A study in church history on Christian unity. London, UK: Kenrick Seminar, 1981. Print. This essay on The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council was written and submitted by user Ximena Nolan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How To Pronounce Frohe Weihnachten in German

How To Pronounce 'Frohe Weihnachten' in German The most common way to wish someone a merry Christmas in German is to tell them, Frohe Weihnachten. Directly translated, that means merry Christmas.   The German language tends to follow its rules pretty well when it comes to pronouncing a word. Once you memorize the rules, itll be easy to know how to say something you read, even if its a new word.   Until then, here are some tips on how to properly wish someone a frohe Weihnachten in German. Pronunciation Tips Make sure to not pronounce the h in either word. The h is silent, if not a very subtle breath.  Make sure that the dipthong ch is gutteral. This is different than the English pronunciation of a ch. This is best to hear, rather than explain in words.   Each word has a separate audio link. Listen here: Frohe Weihnachten Other Holiday Greetings Here are other common greetings during the holiday season. Each word is linked with an audio guide on how to pronounce it.   Frà ¶hliche Weihnachten: Merry Christmas Frohes neues Jahr: Happy New Year Alles Gute zum neuen Jahr: All the best for the New Year Other Holiday Words and Phrases Here are some other useful holiday words and phrases, without the audio. Frà ¶hliches Hanukkah: Happy Hanukkah Die Grà ¼ÃƒÅ¸e der Jahreszeit: Seasons greetings Der Weihnachtsmann kommt: Santa Claus is coming Gluhwein: Mulled wine (popular in Germany over the holidays) Weihnachtsmarkt: Holiday/Christmas market (a popular tourist activity in Germany over the holidays) Der Engel: The angel Die Christbaumkugeln: Christmas ornaments Die Glocken: Bells Die Geschenke: Gifts

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The KISS Guide To Writing Keyword Rich Articles

The KISS Guide To Writing Keyword Rich Articles The KISS Guide To Writing Keyword Rich Articles The KISS Guide To Writing Keyword Rich Articles By Sharon Freelance writers are often asked to write keyword rich web content articles. If you dont know where to begin, heres the keep it simple guide to get you started. Finding Keywords In most cases, clients supply the keywords you need for an article. If they dont, then your first step is to research some appropriate keywords for their topic. There are several tools you can use to do this. Some of my favorites are: the SEOBook Keyword Tool Google Adwords search tool These free tools allow you to search for a term and see related keywords. For each term, the sites indicate the search volume. This tells you which keywords are popular and gives you a list of phrases and alternative phrases to use when writing articles. Keyword Density Once you have the keywords, then its time to start writing. Sometimes clients ask for a specific keyword density, such as 3%. Although this is not the best way to write keyword articles, if thats what the client asks for, thats what you have to provide. Two tools which work well for checking keyword density are Textalyser and Live Keyword Analysis. in both cases, you paste your text into a box, hit a button and find out your keyword density. (Alternatively, you can work out how many times you need to mention the keyword phrase to achieve your target density and find and count them manually in your word processing program.) Seeding The Keywords Its much rarer now for writing clients to request a high keyword density. Using keywords 10-15 times in a short article can make it virtually unreadable, so most go for using keywords around five times. Whichever method you use, key positions for keyword placement are at the start (first words, first sentence or first paragraph) and end (last words, last sentence or last paragraph) of the article. Then the other keywords are sprinkled around in the middle. Breaking It Up One issue that writers sometimes face is having unwieldy keywords that dont fit well within a sentence. Some clients are sticklers for using keywords as written, which can result in strange sentence constructions that lack the appropriate punctuation. (Example: When buying mortgages UK consumers need to be aware of interest rates.) However, others realise that search engines take little account of punctuation and stop words (short words such as the, a and so on) and that its ok to use these to make a phrase more reader friendly. With this kind of client, its easy to produce engaging and informative articles that still meet the clients brief. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of InfinitivesOne Fell SwoopJanuary 1 Doesn't Need an "st"

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fathers need to be as involved in their children's lives as mother are Essay

Fathers need to be as involved in their children's lives as mother are - Essay Example Fathers should be involved in their children’s lives just as much as their mothers are because fathers offer different skill sets than mothers, children receive a much improved childhood, and fathers good set a good example for their children. One reason why fathers need to play an equal role, in conjunction with their wives, in their children’s lives is that they have certain characteristics that cannot be replicated by mothers. In single-parent households, mothers are generally left to pick up the slack left behind by an absent father. That is not to say that a mother cannot fill the gap of a missing father, but each parent has specific roles that must be performed by them. While mothers are generally left to enforce the rules that children must live by, it is the responsibility of fathers to set these rules and then meter out the appropriate punishment if these rules happened to be broken. For a mother to perform all three of these actions is perhaps too much. Childr en would feel like they were getting singled out for nothing. It is for this reason that fathers often command more respect that mothers do. This is because children instinctively know that fathers are the ones in charge and that the buck stops with them. It is okay for fathers and mothers to have different positions on how to raise their children because each would have an idea on how to raise their kids. As the old cliche goes, â€Å"Two heads are better than one.† This is not to put mothers down; it’s just that fathers fill a place that can help to enhance a family’s relationship. Another reason why fathers must involve themselves in their children’s lives just as much as mothers is that the children are better for it. It is always reassuring for a child growing up to see two parents that are totally committed to each other. Children interpret this as both parents being devoted to the health and well-being of their offspring. This can continue on into other areas of a child’s life such as education and in social settings. Many studies show that children perform better when a father’s is interested in their schoolwork. In terms of a child’s social life, they are better able to make friendships and trust others if they have already experienced this in their family life. The final reason why fathers need to be involved in their children’s lives as much as mothers is that fathers are in a position to be a good example for their children. Fathers have life skills that they can teach to their children that mothers would have no idea about. The role of a father in his son’s life is extremely important. The way a father is involved in his son’s life affects not only how the son’s perceives his father but affects his behaviors later on in life. Fathers who are alcoholics and abusive husbands tend to have sons grow up to do the very same thing. On the other hand, a father who is a loving hus band and has found success in his life will likely have a son who is well-grounded and focused on his life goals. In another way, fathers can show a good example to their daughters too. Fathers who love and care about their daughters will likely find that they grow up to becoming successful young women. Fathers have a very important role to play in the lives of their children because they have always been thought of as the head of the household.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Animal Rights Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Animal Rights Analysis - Essay Example Within the animal rights movement, every animal, from conception to natural death, has a certain value given by God. The second strand employs the arguments from the field of legal philosophy, specifically natural law, claiming that the right-to-life is a fundamental right which should be protected by law. On the other hand, if an animal and its existence threaten human life, it is morally permissible to kill this animal: for instance, outcasts with rabies, extreme aggressiveness of an animal or invasion of animals such as wild foxes or wolves. Also, gene engineering and cloning need sacrifices in order to protect human life and find treatment for incurable diseases. Also, all medicines and treatment methods are tested on animals to be sure that they are safe for human beings. In this case, it is morally permissible to do these things to non-human animals. This balance is an expression, then, of core values, of basic societal choices. This is the point where the distinction between r ights and boundaries collapses since Moral rights- beyond the core-become an expression of the kind of particularized societal choice of which fundamental boundaries are an expression. Moral boundaries are designed, thus, to allow communities to make and live by those differing balances which they deem fundamental.  Ã‚   The main similarity is in perspectives they are written from. Both web sites UUFETA   (Unitarian Universalists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and Animal Freedom are based on religious perspectives incorporating moral and ethical point of view. Both web sites state that the community should always seek to adopt the highest standard of animal rights around. Both sites agree that the voice of one indi ­vidual in a modern society will normally carry little weight unless the demands which that individual articulates come from within the central elite and its decision-making body until those concerned get together with others who share a common interest and aggregate their demands into a program for action.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

John Locke Government Essay Example for Free

John Locke Government Essay Without a civil society, all rules of order begin to break down. At this point, there really is no society present. Rather, there is anarchy and an anarchistic society is not one where the populace can be reasonably cared for and protected. John Locke puts forth many assessments in this regard. However, Locke also understands that the current state of society will often play a role in terms of how we react to it. In Richard II, we have a monarchy of a society that fails to be civil in a number of ways. Because of this, action is taken by certain members of the populace. This does raise questions regarding whether or not the actions of these characters in the play support or undermine the theories of John Locke as they relate to the civil society. A closer examination of the play will reveal answers in this regard. In the play, we see certain callous and decidedly not well thought out actions on the part of Richard II. In the early stages of the play, the king interferes in a dual between Bolingbroke and Mowbray. The former is banished for 6 years as a result of his actions with the latter is banished forever. This creates great animosity among Mowbray and his followers while also setting the stage for the creation of a serious enemy. Such actions are further compounded when Richard appropriates all the land of John of Gaunt for himself when the character passes away. Are such actions those of a ruler that professes to oversee a civil society? A great many arguments can be made that such actions are hardly noble in their intent and action. At the core of Locke’s writing is that there really is no such thing as a divinity among the kings that rule a particular land. In other words, kings are not divine beings that can impose their will on the populace in any way they see fit. There are various John Locke, Government, and RICHARD II – Page 2 reasons why Locke promotes such a notion. Firstly, he recognizes that kings are human beings and, hence, fallible as all humans are. This can lead to kings being self-serving as opposed to serving their subjects and the rule of law. When both of these components are ignored, the civil society breaks down. Also, it becomes impossible for proper governance to exist unless deep and serious thought is put forth towards the nature and role of ruling. So, when a king puts forth the attitude that all things are good because of his divine will, society runs the risk of collapsing. Why is this so? Mainly, it is because no logic is being employed by the ruler. Rather, the king believes all things decreed correct because the king is infallible. This does little more than set the stage for the collapse of the king’s rule as well as the collapse of the civil society. We can see this in RICHARD II in several ways. Richard slowly seems to lose his grip on proper rule and becomes a self-serving entity. During the events of the play, we learn that Richard’s kingdom is involved in a long, bitter, and protracted war with Ireland. As such, the need for making proper and accurate decisions is a must. Poor decisions can undermine the effectiveness of the war effort which, in turn, can lead to a collapse of the kingdom. Early in the play, Richard is accused of not properly managing the war effort as evidenced by his personal appropriations of Gaunt’s wealth among other improprieties. This sets in motion the idea that he must be disposed as the ruler of the kingdom. John Locke, Government, and RICHARD II – Pg 3 While all rulers will be criticized at some point, the most stinging criticism would be that the leader does not hold the fabric of society together. Rather, he contributes to the collapse of society. An argument of these sorts can be made towards the rule of Richard II. Of great concern to Locke is the notion that the population has a right to private property and that any government or ruler that infringes on private property is little more than a tyranny. In the context of RICHARD II, there is a ruler that has no respect for private property as evidenced by his unlawful seizing of land and wealth. This poses the question when a king acts lawless, is there any law to the land? Locke also was an avowed believer in the notion that government must represent the will of the people. Those governments that do not provide for the populace in such a way will run the risk of being legitimately overthrown by the motivated members of the populace. We see such events played out in RICAHRD II in many different ways. Ultimately, all the actions of King Richard promote the notion that he does not serve his subject. Rather, he serves his own personal goals with little regard for the life and property of those he is entrusted to care for. One could say that RICHARD II truly does provide a clear interpretation of the problems with government detailed in John Locke’s SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENT. As such, it would be safe to infer that Locke would hardly approve of the way Richard II rules. Considering the downfall of the king in the play, Richard II would have been better served had be been guided by Locke’s philosophical approach to government.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Religion Essay -- essays research papers

Comparison of Judaism vs Buddhism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this essay I will be comparing the rituals, and festivals chosen from two different religions. The two religions that I will be comparing are Judaism and Buddhism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Judaism and Buddhism have many rituals and beliefs. There is a wide range of Jewish beliefs, Stan Fischler emphasizes on these major points. Reformed Jews believe that being Jewish gives them a common culture, while Orthodox Jews try to keep all the laws and customs commanded by the Torah. The basic Jewish religious beliefs is in the existence of one, eternal, invisible God. The Jews also believe they were chosen to receive God’s Torah. They believe that by looking at its many meaning, and by living according to its laws, they can spread justice throughout the world. At the right time, they believe that the Messiah will come to bring this perfect world. Reward for good deeds will largely be granted in the world to come. Jews believe that seven weeks after the Israelites left Egypt, God chose them to receive the Torah. Moses climbed Mount Sinai to hear the Torah and bring the Commandments back to the people, carved into stone tablets. They also believe that on the first day of the creation of the world, God made night and day. Earth and heaven were created on the second day, and seas and land were created on the third day. On the forth day, the Sun, Moon and stars were created, and on the fifth day, the fish and birds....

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Operations Management Final

Operations Management Final Report Case Study (1) Gate Turnaround at Southwest Airlines (Chapter Six) (2) Constraint Management at Southwest Airlines (Chapter Seven) (3) Lean Systems at Autoliv (Chapter Eight) (Derek Silkebaken) D974557 2012? 1? 2? Chapter 6 Planning Capacity Video Case: Gate Turnaround at Southwest Airlines Q1. How can Capacity and utilization be measured at an airline such as SWA? Answer: Capacity is the maximum rate of output of a process or a system.And utilization is measured as the ratio of average output rate to maximum capacity. In Southwest, capacity can be measured in available seat-miles (AMS) pre month. Therefore, utilization can be measured as the ratio of average seat-mile rate to maximum seat-miles. Q2. Which factors can adversely impact turn-around time as SWA? Answer: There many factors can adversely impact turn-around time as SWA. The aircraft has to be served by the ground operations team for its next departure.The grounds operations team consists of a baggage transfer driver who has responsibility for getting connecting flight baggage the ground operations team consists of baggage transfer driver who has responsibility for getting connecting flight bags to baggage claim for passenger pick-up, a lavatory truck driver who handles restroom receptacle drainage, a lead gate to handle baggage carts and track incoming and outgoing bag counts, and a bin agent to manage baggage and cargo inside the plane.In the same time, the provisioning truck has to restock supplies such as drinks and snacks. The fuel truck has to load fuel to the airplane. If any unexpected thing happens during the maintenance, it might slow down the flow of operations. Meanwhile, if the passengers can deplane and enplane as schedule, it is another concern. Anything from weather delays to unexpected maintenance issue at the gate can slow down the flow of operations and adversely impact turn-around time. Q3. How does Southwest Airlines know they are achieving thei r goals?Answer: Company executives know when they have achieved their goals when internal and external metrics are reached. For example, the Department of Transportation (DOT) tracks on-time departures, customer complains, and mishandles baggage for all airlines. Southwest Airline can collect all the relating information and The company sets targets for achievement on these dimensions and lets employees know on a monthly basis how the company is doing against those metrics compared to the rest of the industry.Regular communication with all employees is delivered via meeting, posters, and newsletters. Rewards such as prizes and profit sharing are given for successful achievement. Q4. What are the important long-term issues relevant for managing capacity, revenue, and customer satisfaction for SWA? Answer: Rolling King and Herb Kelleher started Southwest Airlines in 1971 with this idea: if they could take airline passengers where they want to go, on time, at the lowest possible price, and a good time while doing it, people would love to fly their airplane.These issues are still important for managing capacity, revenue, and customer satisfaction for SWA. Moreover, improving the utilization of its fleet by turning around an aircraft at the gate faster than its competitors is another major issue for SWA because even a single minute reduction in aircraft turnaround time system wide means additional seat-miles being added to the available capacity of Southwest Airlines. Chapter 7 Planning Capacity Video Case: Constraint Management at Southwest Airlines Q1. Analyze Southwest’s passenger boarding using the Theory of Constraints.Answer: From the lobby check-in process through to boarding at the gate and processing plane turnaround, the process of operating the airline filled with constraints that must be managed in order for them to be successful and profitable. Fight schedules are tightly orchestrated and controlled, departure and arrival gates at airports are l imited, and individual aircraft have seating capacities in each section of the plane, to name a few. Q2. Which boarding scenario among the different ones proposed would you recommend for implementation? Why?Answer: In my personal opinion, â€Å"assigned boarding gate line positions based on both boarding group and gate arrival time† is the most workable. The principle to assign position based on boarding group can satisfy the customers who travel in group and want to sit together. The customers might be family, friends or couples. Then the principal of gate arrival time is to meet the rule: first come, first served. If the assignments of the positions are according to the arrival time, there are few customers would complain about the unfairness.Therefore, customers would like to follow the rules and accept the assigned positions. The high-quality and fast customer service will impress all his customers. Q3. How should Southwest evaluate the gate boarding and plane turnaround process? Answer: Southwest should check if it can manage all potential bottleneck are effectively. Southwest’s famous rapid gate-turnaround of 25 minutes or less demonstrates how attention to the activities that ground operations must complete to clean, fuel, and prepare a plane for flight can become bottlenecks if not properly scheduled.In the terminal at the gate, passenger boarding also can be a bottleneck if the boarding process itself is not carefully managed. In 2007, as part of the company’s improvement activities, Southwest focused its attention on the passenger boarding process to determine whether there was a better way to board. Its existing process consisted of three groups: A, B, C, with no assigned seating. Depending on passenger check-in and arrival time, passengers were given a spot in group. Those first to check-in received choice places in the A group.Last to check-in ended up in the C group, and usually had a choice of only middle seats in the back o f the plane upon boarding. As passengers arrived at the gate, they queued up in their respective boarding group areas to await the boarding call. Q4. How will Southwest know that the bottleneck had indeed eliminated after the change in the boarding process? Answer: It can be evaluated by the change of the gate-turnaround time. If the bottleneck in the boarding process has been eliminated, then the gate-turnaround time should be shorter than 25 minutes. Meanwhile, profitability and customer satisfaction should be improved.Chapter 8 Designing Lean Systems Video Case: Lean Systems at Autoliv Q1. Why is a visual management approach such an integral part of Autoliv’s lean system? It allows Autoliv to keep track of work time needed to complete a customer’s order. A â€Å"rail† is used for the management of the heijunka cards in each cell. For instance, if the card is green, it means the work on a product that fulfills the customer’s order can be completed durin g normal working hours. If the card is yellow, overtime is needed to complete the order. But if the card is red, it means weekend overtime is needed.Also, the visual communication allows for the determination of when a group of cells is backed-up and not performing properly. If a cell is not performing at the required pace to meet customer demand, the cards will stack up on the rail and provide a very visual cue that the cell is not meeting expectations. And, this will provide an opportunity for the cell team members and management to implement immediate countermeasures to prevent required overtime if the situation is not remedied. Q2. Describe the JIT considerations presented in the chapter as they relate to Autoliv’s manufacturing environment?The following are types of Just in Time (JIT) activities according to the Tokyo Production System (TPS): Eliminate waste or muda: by cutting excess capacity or inventory and removing non-value-added activities. Kaizen: the understandin g that excess capacity or inventory hides underlying problems with the processors that produce a service or a product. Jidoka: automatically stopping the process when something is wrong and then fixing the problems on the line itself as they occur. Poka-yoke: mistake-proofing methods aimed at designing fail-safe systems that minimize human error.Takt time: cycle time needed to match the rate of production to the rate of sales or consumption. Heijunka: the leveling of production load by both volume and product mix. Q3. Which method of workflow is embodied in Autoliv’s system? Why is this approach most suitable to its lean environment? The Kanban System – a card is attached to each container of items produced. The container holds a given percent of the daily production requirements for an item. When the user of the parts empties a container, the card s removed from the container and put on a receiving post.The empty container is then taken to the storage area; the card s ignals the need to produce another container of the part. When the container has been refilled, the card is put back on the container which is then returned to a storage area. The cycle begins again when the use of the part retrieves the container with the card attached. Q4. When Autoliv started its lean journey, a number of operational benefits and implementation issues had to be addressed. What were they, and how were they addressed? Autoliv was not able to meet customer demands by fulfilling the needs of its automakers; they were pressured to change operations.They adopted the Autoliv Production System (APS) which was modeled after the Toyota Production System (TPS). In order to resolve visible problems, Autoliv performed daily audits, monthly training, and more in-depth education to help focus attention on where changes needed to be made. If there as an abnormal condition during the work execution that slowed down the work of the cell or stopped altogether, a â€Å"stop and fix † model was put into place. This allowed Autoliv to stop the production line immediately and be able to correct the problem before operations got worse.Next, to help focus efforts daily, Autoliv had a blue â€Å"communication wall† that everyone sees as they head to their work site. The wall contains the company’s â€Å"policy department,† which consists of company-wide goals for customer satisfaction, shareholder/financial performance, and safety and quality. Consequentially, all aisles and walkways surrounding cells are to be clear of materials debris, or other items. If anything appears in those areas, everyone can quickly see the abnormality and be able to keep the areas surrounding the cells clear of debris.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

We all fall down – Essay in speech format

Good morning thank you for turning up to what will be an engaging analysis of the complexity of conflict in literature. If you ponder upon it, how many of us have experienced some form of conflict in our lives? No doubt all of you. But year 1 1, It Is the way In which we handle this conflict that moulds us Into the individuals we are today. My work In the novel We all fall down' has caused some controversy In schools simply because I paint the picture of characters who fall to metaphorically ‘get back up'.I've no doubt that if you look closely enough around this room you will associate money with these problems and that's what I'd like to explore today; the complex character that is Buddy Walker. The thing that really got the critics cranky was Buddy's escapist tendencies. The reason being that Buddy drinks, he drinks a lot to assist him in sanding down the rough edges in his highly conflicted life, and that will be the focus of our discussion today.Year 1 1, I would now offer you some valuable advice in the hope that you will learn from Buddy's mistakes, and that is that in life, it's not about how you fall down†¦ It's how you get up. Now, the main theme I implicitly explored In this novel through the experiences of Buddy Walker and Jane Jerome Is the concept of resilience. Evidently, these two vastly different characters both have vastly different levels of resilience, seen through the way they handle the conflict In their lives. But what exactly Is resilience?Resilience Is a person's ability to bounce back from setbacks, major or minor, and just the all-round ability to keep going, you could describe it differently as mental toughness. Buddy, as stated before, is an escapist. He uses many different things as tools for his escapism, the major one being his metaphorical ‘life crutch', his gin (alcohol). He uses alcohol as a form of escapism in many different instances, and I feel that the way I described the gin's significance to Buddy's escap ism perfectly sums up the character that Buddy is.A few of my favorite descriptions are â€Å"the way it (the alcohol) soothed and stroked him. † The alcohol was like his only friend. † and â€Å"The way it kept a certain haziness on the harsh realities of his life. † These quotes especially emphasize the high level of penitence Buddy has on the alcohol to act as a beacon to guide him through the fogginess of his existence, If you will. The alcohol symbolizes Buddy's weakness, It depicts his inability to overcome conflict on his lonesome and essentially characterizes him as someone who cannot ‘get back up'.Now year 1 1, Buddy is by no means a resilient character. He has little to no willpower and is perfectly happy to stand idly by while something despicable happens in front of him. I expressed this in the opening scene, the trashing. While I set the scene with a sinister tone and suspenseful language, I placed Buddy in a difficult position. A position wher e he had to choose to either test his courage and ‘be a hero' while running the risk of the losing his friends', or sit back and Just allow an utterly despicable act occur right In front of his own eyes.Of course, being the weak and nearly morally void character Buddy Is, he chose to let It happen. A stronger, more resellers character would more than likely opt to Intervene In this because they would have the mental strength to overcome It. Unlike Buddy, Jane Is a very resilient character and through all of the inflict and problems in her life, she always has the strength to bounce back. Two trashing, despite the considerable amount of physical damage to the house, mental damage to the whole family, and both physical and mental damage to Karen, Jane still finds the strength to get on with her life.Sure, she is noticeably rattled from the occurrence, but she still finds a reason to smile. That reason is Buddy. But after things with Buddy go down the drain and she is forced to p art ways with him as well as her claim to happiness and respite from everything bad in her life, she still engages to move on rather steadily. Ask yourselves year 11, if there is anyone you know that you would associate with either of these characters' traits. If you do, I'll wager that the Jane type character you know does not get along all too well with the Buddy type character.This is because strong and weak individuals obviously oppose each other, and their two personalities often conflict with each other. Likely, the Jane type character somewhat dislikes the Buddy type character you know, but the Buddy type is rather impartial to the Jane type. The Buddy's in our lives are often the type of errors to Just let things happen around them, while something may affect them in one way or another, they are generally not too bothered by it unless it is quite a burdening occurrence.We begin to detect this Buddy-Jane conflict in the scene where Buddy goes to Cane's temporary apartment to try and talk things over with her. Jane, of course because of her new discovery that Buddy was involved in the trashing of her house, is tired of Buddy. Tired of his hesitance and general indecisiveness. It is evident that she has gotten sick of Buddy's weakness as a person, and the resilience f their relationship has now worn out.Year 11, resilience is a fundamental human characteristic that we all need throughout the course of our lives. If you as a person are struggling to ‘get back up' time and time again, my advice to you is this: Don't let things get to you too much, and block out unnecessary sources of conflict. Like Jane, causes for grievance should be grieved over, but briefly and very occasionally. Because the most important thing in life, as corny as it sounds, is happiness. As they say year 11, life's for the living, so live it. Or you're better off dead.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

You Earn What You Ask For

You Earn What You Ask For I was chatting with a reader not long ago, and she brought up the age-old complaint about entities asking writers (or any sort of artist) to present for freefor the exposure. Her words were these: our culture places little or no value on volunteer work, despite the lip-service given it. So, the covert message is that if you the performer, artist, service provider, etc. do not value your services enough to put a price on them, the client wont either. The lesser the value you place on yourself, the greater the disrespect you receive from your client. Ive written entire editorials on that subject, but she hit the nail on the head. People not only get what they pay for, but earn what they ask for. A few people will get their feathers ruffled. Not me or I know a lot of exceptions to that, but the grand majority of people see free as something of lesser value; otherwise, it wouldnt be cheap. And if something costs more, there usually has to be a reason. Ive turned down conferences and appearances for not compensating well enough. The initial gut reaction is to worry that youve declined an opportunity. We tend to be a group of creators that jumps at the chance to be read/seen anywhere, but that small feeling of panic about In the long run, you deem what you are worth, and the more you give it away, the lower your stock value.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

3 Easy Content Optimization Tips Every Blogger Should Focus On

3 Easy Content Optimization Tips Every Blogger Should Focus On You may be producing regular content as a way to drive traffic to your blog, but are you testing that content just like you would test any other landing page? Content marketing- or using your blog as a tool for traffic growth- is a great way to encourage readers to visit your site, share your content with others, and hopefully become a verified lead that you can follow up with. But this doesn’t happen automatically. You need to make sure that your content creation process has a suitable content optimization layer. Just like the rest of your site and business. Here’s the key thought- you know that good optimization and A/B testing works on landing pages, home pages, and product pages, but are you properly testing things where your regular content lives? On your blog, for example? With all of the knowledge out there about content optimization, it can be easy to apply the same scientific process to optimize your content marketing. There are  three simple methods you can use to optimize your content, and help you introduce an optimization layer to your blog. The result? More traffic, more shares, and more leads- it’s as simple as that. 3 Ways To Optimize Your Content For More Traffic And ConversionsTip  1: Optimize Your Content To Get More Traffic If you use a blog to create content and as a marketing tool, then one of your key metrics for success is the inbound traffic that comes in at the top of your funnel. While traffic  isn’t the only metric that matters, it is an important place to start. Its also one of the areas that deserves some heavy content optimization. There are three primary sources of traffic that you can optimize. Source #1- social media When new content goes live, you should be sharing it across all of your social media properties. Did you know that this process can be tested so that it will bring in more traffic? One of the ways to test this is to create a social sharing schedule that simply distributes  your social messages more than once on each network. Share your content more than once on social media. You can see the different times well share this post on different social networks. For this, you should be testing different times to post your content and different messages that may drive better results. We were able to double our own traffic with this process. Use a #socialmedia sharing schedule to share your #contentmarketing at just the right time.Source #2- email marketing Most email marketing software makes it super easy to A/B test your email subject lines, or pretty much any of the content within the email itself.  This is an important practice that is easy to implement. In fact, we never send out a major email that doesn’t have an A/B test built in. Always A/B test your email subject lines. After A/B testing our own email subject lines for months, we’ve been able to draw several conclusions about how to make our audience more likely to consume and share our content. The results for your audience will be different, but it is such an easy place to do testing,  itss  almost a no-brainer. Source #3- SEO and  SEM Most of us are regularly optimizing our blog content based on keywords that potential customers and readers might search for on Google. This is a smart practice, and one that you can easily A/B test. What you need to do is narrow your content down to one or two different keywords or keyword phrases that you think your visitors are the most likely to use. From there, optimize your content accordingly and make a small AdWords campaign for each keyword phrase that you are testing. After you run the paid campaigns for a few weeks, you should get a clear picture of what keyword will bring the most click-throughs, and you can optimize your content according to that keyword. For more tips on A/B testing your SEO pages, check out this excellent guide on the KISSmetrics blog. Optimize your current #blog content by #ABtesting with an AdWords campaign.Tip 2: Optimize Your Headlines  To Get More Shares After reaching a milestone of more than one million headlines in our database, our team started to wonder if we could find a way to predict how likely a headline was to be shared on social media. To our surprise, we found a little secret. Emotional headlines are in fact more likely to be shared via social media. With that in mind, we decided it was time to build a new tool to combine that data with everything else we know that makes up the best headlines. Thats the headline analyzer. Content with headlines scoring 70 or better with the headline analyzer  are  some of the most likely to be shared. This means that one of the best ways to get more shares is to write better headlines, and there are some easy ways to test those headlines as you learn. A/B test your headlines. Buffer, for example, has outlined their own process for A/B testing headlines on their blog. Their method is simple. By sending out a couple tweets with two alternate headlines, they are able to see which headline gets the most attention on Twitter. From there, they can adjust their post to accommodate the winning headline. Another option for A/B testing your headlines is by using the KingSumo Headlines WordPress Headline tool, which allows you to test multiple headlines at once. Over time, the tool will automatically select the best headline to use permanently going forward. It is a great ‘set it and forget it’ option. Write Better Headlines With A  Free Headline Analyzer The headline analyzer  will help you: Use headline types that get the most traction for social shares, traffic, and search engine ranking. Make sure you have the right word balance to write readable headlines that command attention. See the best  word and character length for search engines like Google and email subject lines, while also seeing  how your readers will scan your headlines. Try The Free Headline Analyzer Now Optimize your #headlines to increase your #socialmedia shares.Tip 3: Optimize Your Content To Get More Leads So, you’ve optimized your content to get more traffic and more shares, but what are you doing with all of those new visitors? Hopefully, youre converting some of those visitors into leads. This is another area that begs for some efficient A/B testing. Test different lead collection methods. There are several methods you can use to collect email leads, and even a few simple plugins that will help you with the process. But don’t take the default settings for granted. You need to test the methods for finding leads. For example, Noah Kagan recently shared his extensive pop-up box testing. He was able to determine the best time to display a pop-up box and learned exactly how often he could display it without annoying his readers. A few of the things that you should be A/B testing include: The overall look and feel of your lead collection area. We were able to increase conversions by switching from a blue to an orange option form. A simple change with a big result. The copy and content displayed on your lead collection form. Can you increase conversions by adding social proof? How long a user needs to be on your page before seeing your lead collection form. Noah Kagan found the magic number to be 5 seconds. Various methods and locations for lead collection. For example, does a pop-up or slide-in lead collection form perform better? Test different signup offers. Another thing you can test is the offer you make visitors in exchange for signing up. For example, does offering them a valuable piece of content improve conversions? We found that by offering a free e-book or download, we were able to double our conversion rate over night.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 17

Case study - Essay Example Globalization in the film industry can be approached from four main categories as discussed by Lorenzen (2008). He enumerates these approaches as being globalization of involvement in film-making, film consumption, film production and organization of film making. Globalization involvement in film-making is characterized by a rapid growth in the number of feature films that hit the market, either for TV, cinema or exhibition. For instance, Lorenzen observes that India and China have considerably experienced steady growth in the film industry, a situation backed by their respective growth in purchasing power and investment in the industry. The rise of global consumer taste the world over characterizes globalization in consumption. Lorenzen notes that apart from continuous expansion of the global market, the ease with which producers can reach the prospective market has also improved. The advantage that comes with this phenomenon is that products can be released simultaneously to global audiences on a good number of national markets. This consumption globalization is immensely boosted by such quick distribution and exhibition platforms as internet, Satellite TV and DVDs. India and Japan have been noted to be more aggressive in adopting new technological distribution means compared to Hollywood. Cross-border co-production of films is what marks production globalization. Even though this practice has been around for some time, it has recently witnessed a great surge, with most films from US, Canada, Asia, and Europe involving cross-border production. India, due to is conservative nature, is yet adopt cross-border co-production, hence the relatively low external market share for its films. The final aspect of globalization is global organization, characterized by the advent of global corporations. With the onset of internalization, Lorenzen observes that most Hollywood

Friday, November 1, 2019

Renaissance Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Renaissance Period - Essay Example Mother and child is a recurring image in all religions because this image is the most powerful visual sign that takes the beholder to the roots of his/her origin. The drawing, reliefs, and sculptures of mother and child by Michelangelo stand out among numerous works based on the same theme with their unconventional approach. Art critics† have observed, †Michelangelo reinforces the unity of mother and child through their shared nakedness,† referring to the drawing in which both Madonna and the child are depicted naked. The emotions that exude in all these works have been described as divine greatness and exalted grief. In the sculpture by Michelangelo, with the same theme, the mother looks down sadly as if she knows about the fate of her child. This was a departure from the earlier works on the same subject in which the mother invariably smiled upon the child. In â€Å"The Four Seasons†, it seems Vivaldi is painting with poetry and singing with the sounds of n ature. In the spring sonnet, we hear the birds, the streams, the wind, the thunderstorms, the rustling leaves and of course the silences in between. The rustic bagpipes are sounded then predicting the arrival of summer, the festive season. In the summer sonnet, the cuckoo’s voice is heard as a cool breeze that passes by over the scorching pines, sweltering men, and flocks and the blazing sun. The north wind indicates an upcoming season change again. Wiping away the anticipation of devastation, then, autumn arrives.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

GLOBAL BUSINESS STRATEGY - IMF Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

GLOBAL BUSINESS STRATEGY - IMF - Essay Example 3. State holds the authority of law and establishes adequate procedures. 4. The power of state has to be distributed and fragmented among different centers. Power at one center should be minimized. 5. Last, state eradicates the fragmentation of powers by dejecting the system of check and balance. Economic Nationalist Theory This theory focuses on developing, flourishing, and guarding national economies. It is widely used in the cases of world markets. Upsurge in the growth of national economies as a result of increased exports created the reality of national economies. This theory emphasizes that there must be a domestic control on capital formation, labor, and economy even if it requires imposition of quotas and tariffs to restrict the movements of goods, labor, and capital. The notion has been generated from the idea that a country would perform better if its local industries were protected from the international competitions. Some of the measures for implementing on this theory in clude Import Substitutions, Protectionism, and Mercantilism. Under this theory, the government or the state has extensive control on trade and economic matters. Currency depreciation, tariffs, export subsidies, and quota restrictions are some of the methods utilized by government to pursue economic nationalism. Structuralist Theory According to this theory, the disparities among economies of countries are a result of previously derived power relations. This theory advocates an emphasis on an economy with its interrelations with other elements and its totality rather than segregated elements in isolation. For example, the world economies in essence are intrinsically linked resulting in many economic problems as well. International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Monetary Fund (IMF) was developed in 1945 as an international organization. The primary purposes of this organization are: Promoting global exchange and monetary stability Facilitating the balanced growth and expansion of i nternational trade Aiding the development of multilateral system for prevalent transactions Nelson, (n.d.) stated that during the devaluation of Brazilian Currency, though it looked financially sound but the conditions that IMF provided them to follow were difficult to implement. In order to deal with the issue of inflations, Brazil introduced fixed exchange rate. IMF imposed those conditions for two reasons. First, to keep interest rates high so that foreign investors keep their investment in Brazil. Second, these interest rates would decline the growth of thereby reducing overall demand. If the economic nationalist theory would be implemented then the country would have full control on its economy and would not require any other institutions’ condition. In contrast to that, liberal theory undermines the sovereignty of Brazilian country over its economy and urges to outsource its department to an external, more competent organization. As per structuralism theory, the reason due to which Brazil is compelled to fulfill conditions of IMF is its past relations with this organization. Corning (n.d.) stated that the rescue package provided by IMF were not promising. A week after the IMF bailout, the Korean financial market experienced decline of 27% against dollar. Consumers were in panic as businesses and banks paralyzed. It was also

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Computer System Architecture of Buses

Computer System Architecture of Buses Abstract This report focuses on the computer system architecture of buses. The research is based on the buses which used by AMD K computer system. Those are includes bus characteristics, bus arbitration and bus topology. In bus characteristics, we had cover the bus width and bus speed, types of buses and bus lines, and also advantages and disadvantages of a bus to a network. In bus arbitration, there was include purpose of arbitration, how does the arbitration protocol work and multiplexing. Other else was the bus topology. In the end of the report, there was a summarize results which include why a bus hierarchy is required, how a bus hierarchy works and additional hardware circuitry required. Introduction This assignment is mainly explaining a fundamental architectural feature present in all computer system, buses. Buses have historically provided a flexible communications structure in computer systems. Furthermore, buses in computing are a digital communication mechanism that allows two or more functional units to transfer control signals or data. Most buses are designed for use inside a single computer system; some are used within a single integrated circuit. Many bus designs exist because a bus can be optimized for a specific purpose. For example, a memory bus is intended to interconnect a processor with a memory system and an I/O bus is intended to interconnect a processor with set of I/O devices. Furthermore, buses can be divided into two major groups based on their control. Those two groups are local buses and system buses. Various bus designs have been used in the PC, including ISA, EISA, Micro Channel, VL-bus and PCI. Other peripheral busses are NuBus, TURBOchannel, VMEbus, MULTIBUS and STD bus. Bus Width A bus is characterized by the amount of information that can be transmitted at once. It is call bus width. The amount expressed in bits, corresponds to the number of physical lines over which data is sent simultaneously. The term width is used to refer to the number of bits that a bus can transmit at once. Typical widths are 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits at a time. In other words, the bus width means the size of the entity that the bus sends data in one cycle. For example 32 bits, this means that the bus has 32 wires that are used for the transmission. (This may also be different, depending on the transmission protocol). Bus Speed Bus speed means how many bits or bytes (1 byte = 8 bits) is the bus able to send in a unit of time (typically second). For example for a computer network it could be 100 Mbs means 100 Megabits (12, 5 Megabytes) in a second. The bus speed is also defined by its frequency. It expressed in Hertz. Frequency means the number of data packets sent or received per second. Each time that data is sent or received is called a cycle. Besides, the bus speeds also commonly known as front side bus (FSB). It is shows how fast the components can communicate with each other. Faster bus speed means faster computer. You can easily see how a faster FSB helps your computer get more information from one place to the other. For example, if two computers are exactly the same in all ways except one has an FSB speed of 500 MHz and the other has an FSB of 1066 MHz, twice as much data will get through on the second computer compared to the first. This means your computer will get more work done in the same amount of time faster spreadsheet calculations, faster decoding of that movie, or smoother video games. To increase the bus speed you can either increase the bus width or the frequency of the transmission on the bus. The Different Types of Buses Local Buses A local bus is the simplest buses consist of set of wires. Within the central processing unit (CPU), local buses can generally be divided in three types. They are address buses, data buses or control buses. Address buses tend to be specialized in purpose and are usually unidirectional. It carries an address from the CPU to memory or I/O devices. Data buses tend to be more general in purpose and are bidirectional. It carries data between the CPU and memory or I/O devices. Control buses carry signals from the control unit to other components of the computer and back to control unit. System Buses Unlike local buses, system buses are independent functional components of many computers. Each system bus has its own control circuit, called a bus controller, and within each bus controller is an arbiter, which process requests to use the bus. The bus controller may be distributed among the devices that use the bus. Systems buses generally connect system components together, such as the CPU,I/O system and often the main-memory system, and designers often optimize system buses for transferring data between I/O devices and main-memory. A key distinction between system buses and local buses is that system buses tend to have well-documented and stable definitions, so that designers can attach a wide variety of devices to them. Local buses are processor-specific and not widely documented. They tend to be proprietary. Example of system buses are DEC UNIBUS and the Apple NuBus. Bus Lines The wires that comprise a bus are called lines. Four main categories of bus lines : Data lines Carry data from one place to another. Address lines Specify the recipient of data on the bus. Control lines Provide control for the synchronization and operation of the bus and the modules to which it is connected. Power lines Provide power to various components connected to the bus. Advantages / Disadvantages of a Bus to a Network Data bus networks have quite a few advantages compare the other network topologies such as point-to-point links in these applications. Generally, a data bus can make possible the interconnection of a set of terminals when the number of terminals is so large that interconnection through individual point-to-point links becomes unusable. Furthermore, a data bus topology can provide large configurationally flexibility. Terminals can be added to the network or moved to different locations without major revisions in the cabling layout. Both of these advantages are of particular importance in applications in which cable installation is the dominant system cost, for example in shipboard applications. Purpose of arbitration In a computer system, all the devices communicate with the other device are connected to the main board over a same bus. If two or more I/O (input and output) devices try to use the bus at the same time to access the main board, there will be a conflict arise. Therefore, bus arbitration is created is to resolve the problem. Bus arbiter is a circuit to coordinate the activities of devices request for memory transfer using the bus. The process that runs by bus arbiter is name as Bus Arbitration. It is to prevent two or more I/O devices initiating transfers at the same time. The bus arbitration mechanism is designed to allow high priority devices such as the processor and RAM get first access to the bus, while the other devices (disks, video cards, sound cards etc.) get lower priority, and often have to wait to access the bus. The prioritization is according numbered interrupts to priority systems. The lower the numbered interrupts will has the higher priority. On many systems, the CPU has interrupt 0. Therefore, CPU always goes first on the bus. Meanwhile, there are time slices provided over the bus. How does the arbitration protocol work The device that uses to allow for initiating data transfers on the bus is called as bus master. Therefore, only one bus master can exist at a time. When the bus master relinquished its control, the other device also can act as bus master. However, the process of transferring the bus mastership from one device to another device has to coordinate carefully to take account of the needs of various devices. As stated earlier, the bus arbitration has been design to use by high priority device. Therefore, scheduling function will be performs by bus arbiter. Bus arbiter can be part of the processer or separate unit that connected to bus. The diagram above show a basic arrangement example of processor contains the bus arbiter circuitry. In this case, the processor is act as the bus master. However in some cases, the other DMA (direct memory access) controller can gain the bus mastership. DMA controllers activate the Bus-request line, BR before it gain the bus mastership. The Signal of Bus- request line is transfer using the logical OR concept from the bus-request line to the other I/O devices. When the bus request is activated, the processor will activates the bus Grant signal, BG1, gives permission to the DMA controller use the bus when it become free. The signal is using a daisy-chain arrangement to connect all DMA controllers. Therefore, when DMA controller 1 request for the bus, it will block the propagation of the grant signal to other I/O device automatically. Else, it will assert BG2 to grant downstream. The bus master indicates all I/O devices that it is using the bus by activating another open collector line call as Bus Busy, BBSY. Therefore, a DMA controller need to wait for Bus busy to inactive after the Bus Grant signal send. In the situation, the DMA controller can assumes the bus mastership. Multiplexing Multiplexed bus is a type of bus structure which the number of signal lines represented by the bus is less than the number of bits of data, addresses, and control information being transferred between devices of the computer system. For example, if a multiplexed address bus use 8 signal lines to transmit 16 bits of address information. The information is transferred sequentially where the additional control line is being used for sequencing the transfer. In another example, the system represent a master control unit (MCU) connecting to one or more receiver-transmit unit (RTU) by a data bus. The MCU transmits a message to the RTU for comprising a synchronization pulse of known duration and successive time spaced timing signals separated by time duration T marking the boundaries of data bits to be transmitted from the RTU to the MCU. The RTU is including a clock pulse source which utilizes the synchronization pulse to determine the frequency of the clock pulse source in P pulses per duration T. The value P is used in conjunction with the timing signals to create properly timed data determining signals in the data bits. Point to point topology Point to point (PTP) is directly connects two nodes to together. Following is some example of using PTP to connect 2 nodes together. Two computers communicating via modems. A mainframe terminal communicating with a front end processor. A workstation communicating along a parallel cable to a scanner. In a point-to-point topology, all the devices are connected with a shared switch. The switch is different from the shared topology. Computational components that are connected using a point-to-point topology do not need to use any type of bus arbitration scheme. Instate, the shared switch breaks the continuous stream of data on the bus into data packets that are routed to the individual devices. Using this method, the shared switch able establishes point-to-point connections between the different devices. From an individual devices perspective, a connection has to be a private, direct, continuous connection to another device. The connection may comprise one or more two-way of serial-connections. By increasing the number of lanes of a connection, therefore the bandwidth of the connection can by increase. An example of point-to-point bus topology is the implementation in peripheral component interface expresses (PCI Express). PCI Express is a computer expansion card standard designed t o replace the older PCI, PCI-X, and AGP standards. It was introduced by Intel in 2004, PCIe is the latest standard for expansion cards that is available on mainstream personal computers. Multipoint Multipoint is a bus topologies that carries signals to several destinations. It is also known as multidrop bus (MDB) or broadcast bus. Multipoint bus usually requires addressing signals on the bus to identify the addressed destination. Example : Ethernet. It is also a computer bus in which all components are connected to same set of electrical wires. Summary From this assignment, we had classified out the type of buses which its basically grouped into four parts known as processor bus, cache bus, local I/O bus and standard I/O bus. Each of this is different as processor bus is the highest-level bus that the chipset uses to send information to and from the processor. While, cache bus used to accessing the system cache. At the same time, the local I/O bus is for connecting performance-critical peripherals to the memory, chipset, and processor such as video cards and disk storage devices. Example of local I/O bus is like Peripheral Component Interconnect Bus (PCI). Last would be the standard I/O bus which it used for slower peripherals such as modems while it also for compatibility with older devices. Bus hierarchy is required due to the lower level bus like local and standard I/O buses need to steps by steps sent the data to the upper levels of buses in order to allow users to retrieve or transfer the data from each particular memory to another. Hence, I consider them a hierarchy because each bus is to some extent further removed from the processor; each one connects to the level above it, integrating the various parts of the PC together. Each one is also generally slower than the one above it. As a conclusion, bus is generally designed for multiple devices to share the medium. Furthermore, additional hardware circuitry is needed because of that may have problems when two clients want to transmit at the same time on the same bus. Therefore, hardware like bus arbitration is needed to overcome this conflict. Conclusion As a conclusion, buses are actually helpful as its act as a vital medium in order to transferring data. Basically, buses connect different modules within the CPU and to memory and other I/O peripherals. Meanwhile, buses can also connect two different components at the same time through the usage of point-to-point or multipoint. Buses can carry data, address and control function as it could transmit the instructions of the users into the outputs. Buses are form in the combination of data line, address line, power line and control line. Then, buses and buses communicate through a medium called bridge. Further, we had identified the characteristics of the buses as it categorized into two categories. For bus speed, it covers the area for speed of transmitting data to another medium. While, bus width is the amount of data can be transferring. Besides, type of buses, pros and cons of bus and network and buses arbitration also included within our report. Lastly, we had also stated out the purposes of buses arbitration. Frequently Ask Question (FAQ) What is a bus? How to solve the conflict of different data is being transferring through the same bus but at different devices? What are the functions of buses? How to measure the speed of transferring or retrieving data from buses? How does buses connected to each other? How to increase the buses speed? Which method allows buses to connect 2 devices? References Jospeph.S, 1985, Multiplex bus system for controlling the transmission of data between a master control unit and a plurality of remotely located receiver-transmitter units [online], Available from [Accessed 30 October 2009] What is a computer bus? [Online], Available World Wide Web : URL [Accessed 26 Oct 2009] Shinichi, What is bus speed? 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