Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fathers need to be as involved in their children's lives as mother are Essay

Fathers need to be as involved in their children's lives as mother are - Essay Example Fathers should be involved in their children’s lives just as much as their mothers are because fathers offer different skill sets than mothers, children receive a much improved childhood, and fathers good set a good example for their children. One reason why fathers need to play an equal role, in conjunction with their wives, in their children’s lives is that they have certain characteristics that cannot be replicated by mothers. In single-parent households, mothers are generally left to pick up the slack left behind by an absent father. That is not to say that a mother cannot fill the gap of a missing father, but each parent has specific roles that must be performed by them. While mothers are generally left to enforce the rules that children must live by, it is the responsibility of fathers to set these rules and then meter out the appropriate punishment if these rules happened to be broken. For a mother to perform all three of these actions is perhaps too much. Childr en would feel like they were getting singled out for nothing. It is for this reason that fathers often command more respect that mothers do. This is because children instinctively know that fathers are the ones in charge and that the buck stops with them. It is okay for fathers and mothers to have different positions on how to raise their children because each would have an idea on how to raise their kids. As the old cliche goes, â€Å"Two heads are better than one.† This is not to put mothers down; it’s just that fathers fill a place that can help to enhance a family’s relationship. Another reason why fathers must involve themselves in their children’s lives just as much as mothers is that the children are better for it. It is always reassuring for a child growing up to see two parents that are totally committed to each other. Children interpret this as both parents being devoted to the health and well-being of their offspring. This can continue on into other areas of a child’s life such as education and in social settings. Many studies show that children perform better when a father’s is interested in their schoolwork. In terms of a child’s social life, they are better able to make friendships and trust others if they have already experienced this in their family life. The final reason why fathers need to be involved in their children’s lives as much as mothers is that fathers are in a position to be a good example for their children. Fathers have life skills that they can teach to their children that mothers would have no idea about. The role of a father in his son’s life is extremely important. The way a father is involved in his son’s life affects not only how the son’s perceives his father but affects his behaviors later on in life. Fathers who are alcoholics and abusive husbands tend to have sons grow up to do the very same thing. On the other hand, a father who is a loving hus band and has found success in his life will likely have a son who is well-grounded and focused on his life goals. In another way, fathers can show a good example to their daughters too. Fathers who love and care about their daughters will likely find that they grow up to becoming successful young women. Fathers have a very important role to play in the lives of their children because they have always been thought of as the head of the household.

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