Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Israel Defense Force ( Idf ) - 840 Words

In 2005, the Israeli government tasked the Israel Defense Force (IDF) to clear Israeli settlements in Gaza as part of a disengagement strategy. The 8,500 settlers first occupied the area at the end of the Six Day War in 1967 and created a robust community and economy within the territory. Tasked with moving the settlers, IDF Brigadier General Gershon Hacohen faced a challenging and complicated task to remove the settlers from their homes peacefully. Hacohen’s critical-thinking process faced tremendous challenges in an emotionally charged situation. The two Elements of Thought that posed the greatest challenge to his critical thinking were â€Å"Points of View† and â€Å"Implications and Consequences† of his thought processes throughout the operation. Point of View â€Å"Point of View† describes the various references, perspectives, and experiences affecting critical thinking. To think critically about a problem and create potential solutions, a person must understand personal views, other alternative perspectives, and irregularities or falsehoods within both. Hacohen faced two potentially irreconcilable points of view in his mission: the perspectives of the settlers and the Israeli government. The IDF and the settlers both believed they were acting in Israel’s best interest, but through different perspectives. One of Hacohen’s greatest challenges was understanding these different perspectives to create a solution. The settlers believed the land rightfully belonged to them forShow MoreRelated Women in the Israeli Army Essays1382 Words   |  6 PagesWomen have always played a very integral role in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), since its inception in 1948 shortly after the declaration of the State of Israel. 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Its stated security policy position is that the government of â€Å"Israel is responsible for the personal and general security of the citizens of the state of Israel.† The party’s idea of peace is based on negotiation through respect of the right of self-determination and statehood and the superior strength of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), which will maintain Israel’s military edge through technological means. Acts of terrorism will not be toleratedRead MoreThe Military : Protections For Women In The Military1715 Words   |  7 Pagesthat more recently similar ideas surrounding sexual abuse of females within militaries have become more prevalent. In recent a recent survey The Israeli Defense Forces found that one in every six women had been sexually abused over the course of her enrollment in the IDF. While there have been reports that sex crimes have doubled in the IDF, there has been little done, other then investigations to try and stop these acts from occurring. 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The United Nations stepped in to ensure peace in the Middle East, but that peace ended in 1967 when Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian President, instigated another war, with the intent to annihilate Israel. He successfully formed an alliance with all Arab countries

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