Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis Of Alexander Pope s A Modest Proposal

â€Å"It is a melancholy object to walk through this great town, or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabin doors crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags and all importuning every passenger for alms.† â€Å"A Modest Proposal† by Jonathan Swift.â€Å" All Nature is but art, unknown to thee All chance, direction, which thou cannot see; All discord, harmony not understood; All partial evil, universal good.† â€Å"Essay On Man† by Alexander Pope, both viewed mankind in Similar ways such as prideful, selfish, and unreasonable to name a few. Basing his work the Great chain of being, Pope argues that man believes that the universe exists solely for his pleasure. In this†¦show more content†¦Lastly, of putting a spirit of honesty, industry, and skill into our shop-keepers, who, if a resolution could now be taken to buy only our native goods, would immediately unite to cheat and exact upon us in the price, the measure, and the goodness, nor could ever yet be brought to make one fair proposal of just dealing, though often and earnestly invited to it Therefore I repeat, let no man talk to me of these and the like expedients, till he hath at least some glympse of hope, that there will ever be some hearty and sincere attempt to put them into practice.† In the quote the narrator was like look here, you cannot tell me anything about what I know concerning change. AnotherShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis : Jonathan Swift1425 Words   |  6 PagesJoshua Diaz Mary Ellen Griffith Freshman Comp. II Oct. 27, 2015 Literary analysis The author I decided to write about is Jonathan Swift for he had a keen sense for effective sarcasm. As Jonathan Swift said â€Å"The proper words in the proper places are the true definition of style.† Though he was known in different ways, he was mostly popularized through his gift in writing, particularly his satire, or his use of humor and irony, essays. Through out swift life, there has been plenty of eventsRead MoreLiterary Analysis of The Rape of the Lock Essays1922 Words   |  8 Pages Author and his times: Alexander Pope was born in London in 1688. Because he was a Roman Catholic living in a predominately Protestant society, he was largely excluded from the university system and therefore was self-taught, for the most part. At the age of twelve, he contracted tuberculosis, a disease that left him stunted and misshapen. Consequently, he suffered a great deal of emotional trauma and social anxiety. His only tool for interaction was his incredible wit and talent for writingRead MoreGulliver ´s Travels by Jonathan Swift: Biographical Summary1982 Words   |  8 Pagesbecause they insulted Queen Anne. Even though these works insulted the Queen, they appealed to the public, when they were published in 1704, and established Swift as a prominent literary figure of the time. Swift published Gulliver’s Travels and Modest Proposal in 1726 and 1729, respectively, and these works are considered his best satires. Swift then reluctantly took up a position as an Anglican clergyman while living in Ireland. During this time, he switched from the Whig to the Tory political partyRead MoreCleanth Brookss Essay Irony as a Principle of Structure9125 Words   |  37 PagesMarx’s economic theories as such: we shall confine our discussion to their methodological premises and implications. It will in any case be obvious to the reader that the present writer upholds the validity of their content. Secondly, a detailed analysis of Rosa Luxemburg’s thought is necessary because its seminal discoveries no less than its errors have had a decisive influence on the theories of Marxists outside Russia, above all in Germany. To some extent this influence persists to this day. ForRead MoreStabilisation in Investment Contracts and Changes of Rules in Host Countri es: Tools for Oil Gas Investors34943 Words   |  140 Pagesoil and gas investors’ on the basis of the analysis presented in this study. *** I wish to thank the many AIPN members who have shared their ideas and materials with me in the course of carrying out this study. As is often the case with AIPN studies, this author has benefited from access to the very extensive Barrows collection of materials, and I thank Gordon Barrows for his cooperation. The AIPN appointed a peer reviewer, Frank C. Alexander Jr., for this study, and I wish to thank himRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 Pagesneed, especially in , supply disruptions, nat ural disasters, and unstable regimes? True global energy sec urity will be a result of cooperation and engage ment, not isolationism When inve stment and . expertise are allowed to flow freely across border s, the engine of innovation is ignited, prosperity is fueled and the energy available to everyone inc reases. At the same tim balancing the needs of e, producers and consum ers is as crucial as increa sing supply and curbin g demand. Only then wil l theRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesmain issues inï ¬â€šuencing the competitive position of a number of organisations in the same industry with a relatively short case. For a case that permits a more comprehensive industry analysis The Pharmaceutical Industry could be used. However, if the purpose is more focused – illustrating the use of ‘ï ¬ ve forces’ analysis – the TUI case study or Illustration 2.3 on The Steel Industry could be used. Some cases are written entirely from published sources but most have been prepared in cooperation withRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 PagesCongress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIonRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century together—one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonization—they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Israel Defense Force ( Idf ) - 840 Words

In 2005, the Israeli government tasked the Israel Defense Force (IDF) to clear Israeli settlements in Gaza as part of a disengagement strategy. The 8,500 settlers first occupied the area at the end of the Six Day War in 1967 and created a robust community and economy within the territory. Tasked with moving the settlers, IDF Brigadier General Gershon Hacohen faced a challenging and complicated task to remove the settlers from their homes peacefully. Hacohen’s critical-thinking process faced tremendous challenges in an emotionally charged situation. The two Elements of Thought that posed the greatest challenge to his critical thinking were â€Å"Points of View† and â€Å"Implications and Consequences† of his thought processes throughout the operation. Point of View â€Å"Point of View† describes the various references, perspectives, and experiences affecting critical thinking. To think critically about a problem and create potential solutions, a person must understand personal views, other alternative perspectives, and irregularities or falsehoods within both. Hacohen faced two potentially irreconcilable points of view in his mission: the perspectives of the settlers and the Israeli government. The IDF and the settlers both believed they were acting in Israel’s best interest, but through different perspectives. One of Hacohen’s greatest challenges was understanding these different perspectives to create a solution. The settlers believed the land rightfully belonged to them forShow MoreRelated Women in the Israeli Army Essays1382 Words   |  6 PagesWomen have always played a very integral role in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), since its inception in 1948 shortly after the declaration of the State of Israel. The IDF is regarded as one of the most well trained armed forces in the world thanks in part to the progressive changes in the military with regards to equality for women. Historically, at the ground roots of the IDF, women were held back from combat and served mostly in a variety of support duties under the command of Chen (Women’sRead MoreThe Impacts Of Israels Operation Protective Attacks In Israel1133 Words   |  5 Pagesunceasing missile, rocket and mortar fire on civilian centers in Israel, on July 7, 2014, Israel launched a military operation, codenamed â€Å"Operation Protective Edge.† Israel Defense Forces (IDF) targeted strategic Hamas facilities, tunnels, we apons and leadership. The conflict lasted 50 days, with a series of short-lived ceasefires breached by Hamas. Israel initially attacked Hamas targets by air, however, on July 17, Israel sent ground forces into Gaza for a period of just over two weeks in order to destroyRead MoreWhat Is Defending The Holy Land?1095 Words   |  5 PagesIron Doom missile defense system has made making peace with its neighbors outdated. Israel has created a hi-tech weapon system with the support of the United States, that has saved many lives and property damage, but at the strategic level, the invention also causes damage by allowing Israelis to pump up their sense of victimhood. This allows the Israeli government to achieve limited military operation. The Iron Dome will not return peace to the residents of southern Israel, nor the PalestiniansRead MoreThe Mission Command Of The Commander1898 Words   |  8 PagesGeneral (LTG.) Yitzhak Rabin is one of the most revered commanders in Israel s histo ry. As a young soldier, Rabin fought for Israel before it was a recognized country. 3 At the age of 24 he was given command of the 1,400 soldier Harel Brigade, which played a critical role in the 1948 Palestine War for Israel’s Independence.4 After a number of important roles, in 1964 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, the position he would hold during the Six Day War and until the end ofRead MoreA Mixture Of Historical And Currents Facts About Israel Essay1386 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness Country Profile (Part 1): Getting to Know Israel Autiyonna Johnson February 28, 2016 Global Business 310 This paper examines a mixture of historical and currents facts about Israel. Specifically, the country is placed under the microscope in order to explain history of origin, geographical location, statistical demographics, government structure, and military structure. Together, these findings based on detailed research suggests that Israel is a country rich in complex history that predatesRead MoreThe Art of War by Sun Tzu Essay1256 Words   |  6 Pagesbeliefs. Mandatory military service has proven itself to work in other countries. Currently 25 countries have required military service. These include Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bermuda, Brazil, Burma, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Iran, Israel, North Korea, South Korea, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Ukraine (â€Å"CIA Site† 1). Although many countries have compulsory military service, most of Western Civilization has done away with it, except forRead MoreAn Analysis of the Interactive Violence of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2459 Words   |  10 PagesAdhut Ha’avodah and Labor Rafi parties combined. Its stated security policy position is that the government of â€Å"Israel is responsible for the personal and general security of the citizens of the state of Israel.† The party’s idea of peace is based on negotiation through respect of the right of self-determination and statehood and the superior strength of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), which will maintain Israel’s military edge through technological means. Acts of terrorism will not be toleratedRead MoreThe Military : Protections For Women In The Military1715 Words   |  7 Pagesthat more recently similar ideas surrounding sexual abuse of females within militaries have become more prevalent. In recent a recent survey The Israeli Defense Forces found that one in every six women had been sexually abused over the course of her enrollment in the IDF. While there have been reports that sex crimes have doubled in the IDF, there has been little done, other then investigations to try and stop these acts from occurring. In fact, members of the program who were responsible for talkingRead MoreWar and Massacre, by Thomas Nagel872 Words   |  4 PagesIn mid-November of last year amidst rising tensions in the Middle East, Israel launched a major offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza on Wednesday, killing the military commander, Ahmed Al-Jabari of Hamas in an air strike. This strike on a car carrying the commander stemmed the beginning to what is known by the Israeli’s as operation â€Å"Pillar of Defense†. Following this â€Å"surgical† assassination, the Israeli air force struck over 20 underground rocket launch sites belonging to Hamas (governingR ead MoreCauses Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict In The Middle East1820 Words   |  8 Pageshave been an on-going issue since the establishment of Israel in 1948. The primary cause of the fighting between Arab-Israeli is the rejection of Israel exists in the Middle East. The first known outburst of Arab-Israeli conflict occurred in 1948. The United Nations stepped in to ensure peace in the Middle East, but that peace ended in 1967 when Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian President, instigated another war, with the intent to annihilate Israel. He successfully formed an alliance with all Arab countries

The Israel Defense Force ( Idf ) - 840 Words

In 2005, the Israeli government tasked the Israel Defense Force (IDF) to clear Israeli settlements in Gaza as part of a disengagement strategy. The 8,500 settlers first occupied the area at the end of the Six Day War in 1967 and created a robust community and economy within the territory. Tasked with moving the settlers, IDF Brigadier General Gershon Hacohen faced a challenging and complicated task to remove the settlers from their homes peacefully. Hacohen’s critical-thinking process faced tremendous challenges in an emotionally charged situation. The two Elements of Thought that posed the greatest challenge to his critical thinking were â€Å"Points of View† and â€Å"Implications and Consequences† of his thought processes throughout the operation. Point of View â€Å"Point of View† describes the various references, perspectives, and experiences affecting critical thinking. To think critically about a problem and create potential solutions, a person must understand personal views, other alternative perspectives, and irregularities or falsehoods within both. Hacohen faced two potentially irreconcilable points of view in his mission: the perspectives of the settlers and the Israeli government. The IDF and the settlers both believed they were acting in Israel’s best interest, but through different perspectives. One of Hacohen’s greatest challenges was understanding these different perspectives to create a solution. The settlers believed the land rightfully belonged to them forShow MoreRelated Women in the Israeli Army Essays1382 Words   |  6 PagesWomen have always played a very integral role in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), since its inception in 1948 shortly after the declaration of the State of Israel. The IDF is regarded as one of the most well trained armed forces in the world thanks in part to the progressive changes in the military with regards to equality for women. Historically, at the ground roots of the IDF, women were held back from combat and served mostly in a variety of support duties under the command of Chen (Women’sRead MoreThe Impacts Of Israels Operation Protective Attacks In Israel1133 Words   |  5 Pagesunceasing missile, rocket and mortar fire on civilian centers in Israel, on July 7, 2014, Israel launched a military operation, codenamed â€Å"Operation Protective Edge.† Israel Defense Forces (IDF) targeted strategic Hamas facilities, tunnels, we apons and leadership. The conflict lasted 50 days, with a series of short-lived ceasefires breached by Hamas. Israel initially attacked Hamas targets by air, however, on July 17, Israel sent ground forces into Gaza for a period of just over two weeks in order to destroyRead MoreWhat Is Defending The Holy Land?1095 Words   |  5 PagesIron Doom missile defense system has made making peace with its neighbors outdated. Israel has created a hi-tech weapon system with the support of the United States, that has saved many lives and property damage, but at the strategic level, the invention also causes damage by allowing Israelis to pump up their sense of victimhood. This allows the Israeli government to achieve limited military operation. The Iron Dome will not return peace to the residents of southern Israel, nor the PalestiniansRead MoreThe Mission Command Of The Commander1898 Words   |  8 PagesGeneral (LTG.) Yitzhak Rabin is one of the most revered commanders in Israel s histo ry. As a young soldier, Rabin fought for Israel before it was a recognized country. 3 At the age of 24 he was given command of the 1,400 soldier Harel Brigade, which played a critical role in the 1948 Palestine War for Israel’s Independence.4 After a number of important roles, in 1964 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, the position he would hold during the Six Day War and until the end ofRead MoreA Mixture Of Historical And Currents Facts About Israel Essay1386 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness Country Profile (Part 1): Getting to Know Israel Autiyonna Johnson February 28, 2016 Global Business 310 This paper examines a mixture of historical and currents facts about Israel. Specifically, the country is placed under the microscope in order to explain history of origin, geographical location, statistical demographics, government structure, and military structure. Together, these findings based on detailed research suggests that Israel is a country rich in complex history that predatesRead MoreThe Art of War by Sun Tzu Essay1256 Words   |  6 Pagesbeliefs. Mandatory military service has proven itself to work in other countries. Currently 25 countries have required military service. These include Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bermuda, Brazil, Burma, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Iran, Israel, North Korea, South Korea, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Ukraine (â€Å"CIA Site† 1). Although many countries have compulsory military service, most of Western Civilization has done away with it, except forRead MoreAn Analysis of the Interactive Violence of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2459 Words   |  10 PagesAdhut Ha’avodah and Labor Rafi parties combined. Its stated security policy position is that the government of â€Å"Israel is responsible for the personal and general security of the citizens of the state of Israel.† The party’s idea of peace is based on negotiation through respect of the right of self-determination and statehood and the superior strength of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), which will maintain Israel’s military edge through technological means. Acts of terrorism will not be toleratedRead MoreThe Military : Protections For Women In The Military1715 Words   |  7 Pagesthat more recently similar ideas surrounding sexual abuse of females within militaries have become more prevalent. In recent a recent survey The Israeli Defense Forces found that one in every six women had been sexually abused over the course of her enrollment in the IDF. While there have been reports that sex crimes have doubled in the IDF, there has been little done, other then investigations to try and stop these acts from occurring. In fact, members of the program who were responsible for talkingRead MoreWar and Massacre, by Thomas Nagel872 Words   |  4 PagesIn mid-November of last year amidst rising tensions in the Middle East, Israel launched a major offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza on Wednesday, killing the military commander, Ahmed Al-Jabari of Hamas in an air strike. This strike on a car carrying the commander stemmed the beginning to what is known by the Israeli’s as operation â€Å"Pillar of Defense†. Following this â€Å"surgical† assassination, the Israeli air force struck over 20 underground rocket launch sites belonging to Hamas (governingR ead MoreCauses Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict In The Middle East1820 Words   |  8 Pageshave been an on-going issue since the establishment of Israel in 1948. The primary cause of the fighting between Arab-Israeli is the rejection of Israel exists in the Middle East. The first known outburst of Arab-Israeli conflict occurred in 1948. The United Nations stepped in to ensure peace in the Middle East, but that peace ended in 1967 when Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian President, instigated another war, with the intent to annihilate Israel. He successfully formed an alliance with all Arab countries

Monday, December 9, 2019

Budget Cuts Essay Example For Students

Budget Cuts Essay Id like to inform you about the great deal of budget cuts happening everyday in our public school systems. One of the hardest hit is in our arts and music departments. The battle over NEA funding and other important foundations that are set up to benefit our youths are being challenged by the government at an alarming rate. Cutbacks in our schools budget force students in these departments to go without necessary supplies that are essential in the learning process. Id also like to show you why art and music education is essential to our childrens learning process, how it allows them to grow up to be well rounded citizens, and why as a country, we need to fight to save these programs. It seems to be a continuous battle for art and music educations demand for some respect. Many legislators feel the problem in our schools is that budgets where not amended to fit the rise of costs in our economy. And because of this there simply arent simple ways to fund these programs. Other reasons for problems in the arts and music departments budget is that even though there is inadequate funding schools pass programs without promise of long-term support. Thus, creating a cycle of budget problems. This is our problem. One particular agency, out of many, the NEA is facing problems that are similar to most in the art and music debates. ?The conservatives are pressing the case that, in the time of tight federal budgets, taxpayers cannot afford funding for the agency, which received a $99 million appropriation for fiscal 1997. The critics also argue that the agency continues to fund pornographic and blasphemous projects.(Freedman,p.624)? As stated by Allan Freedman of Government and Commerce magazine, sums up the views some government officials are having concerning the NEA, an organization set up to benefit those in the art community. This organization is a powerful factor in terms of art education. The organization looks at all different types of art forms, such as poetry, painting, jewelry, ceramics, as well as dealing with the issues of art education. These feelings by leading government officials are being expressed in all aspects of funding for the arts and music. The NEA is causing quite a stir in congress, and also according to Freedman, ? ? in 1995, the agencys foes not only managed to push through major budget cuts, but secured a pledge from the house leadership to eliminate the agency?(Freedman,p.624)? But why? Does our government really not have enough money? Of course it does, thats not the problem, the problem is that we have not reached the point where we can have a perfect budget. Where we can distribute our funds properly. According to the same article, Rick A. Lazio of New York, one of the chief Republican NEA defenders in the house, ? We spend more on military marching bands then we do on the endowment.(Freedman,p.624)? There are many polices, budget and funding issues that need to be looked over, some are out-dated, some miss used, and others just not effective in our educational system today. Lets face it the ?perfect budget? will never happen, the economy is ever-changing and the same goes for dealing with and handing out the funds. Both state and governmen t agencies who deal with the budget of our art and music programs need to deal with what is before them. If there is not enough means of funding, then outside groups need to make up for that. This is why organization such as the NEA need to be supported not fought. Not everybody in our government is opposed to adequately funding our art and music education departments, in fact according to Arts Education and School Improvement Resources For Local and State Leaders, The Congress finds that 1) the arts are forms of understanding and ways of knowing that are fundamentally important to education;2) the arts are important to excellent education and to effective school reform;3) the most significant contribution of the arts to education reform is the transformation of teaching and learning;4) such transformation is best realized in the context of comprehensive, systemic education reform;5) demonstrated competency in the arts for American students is among the National Education Goals;6) participation in performing arts activities has proven to be an effective strategy for promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream settings;7) opportunities in the arts have enabled persons of all ages with disabilities to participate more fully in school and community activities;8) the arts can motivate at-risk students to stay in school and become active participants in the educational process; and9) arts education should be an integral part of the elementary and secondary school curriculum. .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .postImageUrl , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:hover , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:visited , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:active { border:0!important; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:active , .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7 .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uda58af3958134fd78c72138945bfb3d7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Atomic Bomb EssayThese feelings are actually abundant in Washington. In fact our president as well as Al Gore are focusing hard on the idea of reforming our educational system in order to give these programs the money they need to be effective. According to The New York Times quoting Bill Clinton, ? Education has been an important dividing line between those who are able to move ahead and those who lag behind.(Clinton,p.16)? And Bill Clintons budget proposals give strength to that. ? The education budget calls for spending $1.75 billion, up $450 million from this fiscal year.(Clinton,p.16)? His Plan gives a high priority to wiring classrooms for the internet, hiring mo re teachers, reducing class size, as well as fixing up dilapidated schools. Gore of course is following the presidents path of holding education in top priority. But with all this talk about the budget being brought up to date, where is the proof. The lack of funding is causing a drought as far as supplies are concerned. Maybe I should reiterate, lack of resources is a better way to put it because now we are losing not only our supplies, but our programs and teachers. The dedicated school teachers we are still fortunate to have are being forced to spend a great deal of their own money on their students supplies. According to Art Education magazine, in a study they did on classroom budgets, ? The average yearly budgets run the gamut from nothing to $9,000?73% of the respondents indicated that they normally spend their own money on additional art supplies- at an average of $348.32 per year. The range of out-of-pocket spending among these respondents extended from $25 to $5000 per-year, with 21% of the teachers stated that they spend at least $500 each school year.(p.7)?The dedication of our teachers is incredible. In many cases these teachers are putting their students welfare and needs over their own. One such instance occurred in the San Francisco school system with a special education teacher by the name of Bill Gallimore. ? Gallimore?,makes $31,00. His students, all disabled children in grades three, four, and five, have so many basic needs that he already has spent $500 on classroom supplies this semester. Because the school district only pays teachers just once a month, Gallimore had to decide between buying the supplies or paying his phone bill. Pacific Bell turned off his phone.(Asmiov,p.A21)?Is this the kind of thing we want our educators to have to deal with. All throughout my school career I remember my teachers having to do the same things. I remember being in high school ceramics and by January we were without clay, so my teacher had to spend her own hard earned money on us the rest of the year. You can imagine how nerve racking it would be to deal with this kind of budget. All normal lesson plans would have to be thrown out the window in order to stretch your funds to last the whole year. What possibilities are open to students interested in these subjects. I would find it hard for a child t o get interested in playing an instrument with no instruments available. Arts and music are important to our children in many ways. A child doesnt necessarily have to grow up to be a scientist, doctor, or lawyer. There are an abundant careers available in these fields such as graphic design, music production, as well as advertising. Many studies show that the arts and music provide children with an interest in learning all of their subjects. Not only do these classes provide a break in a hard day of academics, but they give students a chance to free their minds an bodies of the stress that comes along with school in general. Also children become better all around students, being able to deal better with group skills, independent creative thought, problem solving, risk taking, along with helping some students with their self esteem and self expression. It takes a lot to perform a music ensamble, you need not only practice but to deal with all that comes along when students need to do a presentation. This kind of experience will be an asset to anybody in a career position. When students tend to take pride in their work as an artist they begin to take pride in them selves. According to Art Education Policy Review, ?Arts education promotes self-expression, creativity, intuitive, and sensory-oriented learning. In addition, arts education fosters both discipline and cognitive and emotional development. It also contributes to the nations goals for teaching and learning: for example, improving the high school graduation rate, promoting student achievement in challenging subject matter, fostering a disciplined environment. The public discourse on U.S. competitiveness in the world economy spotlights the values of problem solving, risk taking, higher-order thinking skills, teamwork and creativity. These values are part of the arts and art education.(Hanna,p.37)? Art and music education is important for all these reasons, the point of art and music isnt to take a students mind off of his or her academics, but to prepare them for adulthood. The government needs to insure these programs in our school, and make sure they get the attention they deserve. I hope I have explained the importance of funding for the Arts and music programs in our public schools. It is essential to be aware whats going on in our schools. Our childrens and countries welfare may depend on it!Bibliographylost but in paperArt Essays

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council

Table of Contents Introduction The Major Concliar Documents Features of the Council Changes in the Eucharistic Celebration Defense on the teachings of the Vatican II Council Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The Second Vatican Council was the twenty-first ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church is considered the brainchild of Pope John XXIII. The council commenced on the October 11th 1962 with an inaugural speech given by the Pontiff (Comby and MacCulloch 56). From this speech, he outlined some of the major issues that he hoped the council would address.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Germane among them touched majorly, but not exclusively, on the pastoral aspect of the Church, ecumenism with other Christian Churches, hierarchical structure of the Church, et cetera. Other challenges that bishops faced in their profession include d technological challenges, social change, political instability and financial challenges. Accordingly, there was need to equip them with a common knowledge that reaffirmed the Church’s position on such issues. Pope John XXIII saw the need to convene an ecumenical council three months into his papacy, something that surprised members of the curia, though was widely supported across the secular and religious sanctums. In fact, the Pontiff used to say before the commencement of the council that it was high time the windows of the Church were opened to let in fresh air. He further surprised the curia when he invited non-Catholic Christians to send their observations, to which the Eastern Churches accepted together with some Protestants. However, his death on June 3, 1963 marked the end of the first session of the council to be continued by the second session, which was called by the new Pope Paul VI. This paper attempts to discuss the features of this council and defends its tea ching. The Major Concliar Documents The Council Fathers explained very well the constitution on the divine revelation, the Roman Catholic understanding of the Bible as a direct communication from God, the tradition, and the magisterium (the Church authority) as an integrated divine economy that forms the basis of her faith. The church council took a biblical understanding of the church in its constitution rather than a peddled judicial model. The Church was termed as the ‘people of God’ thus stressing the servanthood of the presbyterian offices, the collegial or shared responsibility of bishops for the whole Church. Moreover, the new concept called upon church members to holiness and participation in the Church’s mission of proclaiming the Good News. The pastoral constitution espoused the shared joy and hope, the grief and anguish of the contemporary humanity, especially of the poor and the afflicted (Second Vatican Council 3). The Council Fathers in the constitu tion on liturgy rooted for active communal participation during holy Mass, which is the central act of Catholic public worship. Changes could only be enacted after replacing the Latin language, which was used in the Mass by vernacular languages. Some documents endeavored to establish a cordial relationship with the Eastern Churches and Protestant Christians as well as those who did not profess Christianity.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Features of the Council Changes that the Council Fathers made in the liturgy of the Church demonstrate the impact that the twenty-first ecumenical council had on Catholic Christians. These changes were so radical that some Catholics, especially old ones, found them disturbing. For example, having grown accustomed to the Latin Mass, the abandonment of this language did not go down well with them. The abandonment of Latin as a common language to conduct mass led to many bishops being unhappy because mass was taken as a common prayer. However, for â€Å"full participation of the People of God in the Mass, the council not only changed from Latin to English in parts of the Mass, but also authorized the use of vernacular in the Mass as well as in the administration of every sacrament and sacrament† (Comby and MacCulloch 36). The promulgation of the Constitution of Sacred Liturgy in September 1964 resulted from the above resolution buttressed by the fact liturgy is at the center of Christian life and worship. In line with the centrality of the liturgy in the life of Christians, the council resolved that the high altar be situated at a position that makes it possible for the priest to face the congregation while saying Mass. The â€Å"council further resolved that the crucifix and the candlesticks be placed upon the altar in a customary manner; though in certain circumstances, the bishop may allow them to be placed alo ngside the altar† (Comby and MacCulloch 56). The ambo (lectern) from which Scripture readings are made, should be easily seen by the faithful. All these changes were made in order to make faithful participate in the Mass as the assembly of the People of God. Changes in the Eucharistic Celebration The rite of the Eucharistic celebration underwent the following changes that the Council Fathers saw fit. If the Mass was preceded by another liturgical service, then all opening prayers become null. Similarly, the doxology is to be said or sung loudly. There was the omission of the sign of the cross made at this point with the introduction of the celebrant lifting the Eucharist and the chalice above the corporal. The faithful and the celebrant say or sing the â€Å"Our Father† and the Embolism is said thereafter for freedom from evil and the forgiveness of sins. The council shortened the words spoken by the priest when giving Holy Communion to â€Å"The Body of Christ† to which the person answers â€Å"Amen† (Second Vatican Council 3). In all the Masses said on Sundays and Holydays, the Gospel is explained by the homily, which may be drawn from other texts of the Mass considering the feast or solemnity celebrated. Regarding the Eucharistic Fast, which formerly started from midnight, was reduced to three hours and finally, the council reduced it further to one hour after receiving the Eucharist (Second Vatican Council 2).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The council reinstated the catechuminate rituals of adults receiving instructions on the Catholic faith. Most sacraments were renamed and given new explanations, for example, the formerly â€Å"Extreme Unction† became Anointing of the Sick. Previously, â€Å"the right to give many blessings had been reserved and a priest had to obtain a special authority before blessing† (McGowan 56). The council changed this with some exceptions thus making it possible for any priest to offer blessings. This custom was â€Å"extended to other occasions such as Mass on the evening of Maundy Thursday, and Masses celebrated at the meetings of priests† (McGowan 59). Regarding music and singing, the council recognized that worship was noble when accompanied with solemn songs. The council allowed for other kinds of sacred music to be incorporated into the liturgy (Maines McCallion 97). According to the Constitution of the Church, the council espoused that the Catholic Church holds the belief that it is the one, holy catholic and apostolic Church of Christ. However, it solemnly acknowledges the activity of the Holy Ghost on all men since the divine action goes beyond the boundaries of the physical Church. The author writes: On the hierarchical structure of the Church, the council used the term ‘college’ to denote the unified, corporate body of men consisting of bishops with the authority together with the Pope as the head (Shaw 16) Defense on the teachings of the Vatican II Council From the use of Latin to the use of vernacular for saying Mass, the Council Fathers did a commendable work to include all faithful in the liturgical celebration of the Mass (Tuan 8). For this reason, many people have been converted to the Catholic faith and are able to participate fully in the liturgy. The changes made on the altar allowing the priests to face the congregation while celebrating Mass have added fervor to the participation of the laity in the liturgy. The freedom given by the council regarding the use of sacred music and percussion instruments has made many cultures to embrace the Catholic faith. Moreover, the decree on divine revelation that combines three sources of revelation gives the Church a wealth of information on the divine through the Congregation of Sacred Faith (The Second Vatican Council 13 ).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The recognition by the council that the activity of the Holy Ghost is eminent in all men has facilitated the cordial relationship between Catholics and other Christian denominations such as the Eastern Churches and the Protestants. The ingenuity of the council on this issue was reinforced by the decree on ecumenism with Christians and non-Christians alike. In the world where interdependence is unavoidable, harmonious coexistence is necessary and this is what the council espoused. Conclusion Pope John XXIII saw the need of convening an ecumenical council immediately after he took office of the papacy, hence the surprise of the curia members. In spite of his decisions, he was widely supported across the secular and religious sanctums. Further surprise came after his invitation of non-catholic members to provide their observations of the conduct of the church to the council. Eastern Churches accepted the invitation together with other Protestants.teh death of the Pope in 1963 meant tha t the first section of the council ends with the second session beginning after the new Pope, Paul VI assumed office. The council sought to equip bishops and other members of the clergy with common knowledge that reaffirmed the Church’s position on controversial issues facing them and the church in general. The Second Vatican Council has gone down in history as an ecumenical council that radically shook the Church by making unprecedented changes that hitherto had not been witnessed. Such changes made in the language used for saying Mass were very instrumental in making the People of God to participate in the liturgy. Pope Paul VI finally promulgated the fresh air that Pope John XXIII had envisaged to refresh the Church. The teachings on social, economic, and political dispensations of the century were equally timely. Finally, the thoroughness of the council that made it issue sixteen documents is also worthy of praise. This is because the documents addressed issues affecting the clergy and the church hence leaving everybody contented with the church actions. Works Cited Comby, Jean and MacCulloch, Diarmid. How to read church history: From the reformation to the present day. London: SCM Press, 1989. Print. Maines, David McCallion, Micheal. Transforming Catholicism: Liturgical change in the Vatican II Church. New York: Lexington Books, 2007. Print. McGowan, Jean. Concelebration: sign of the unity of the Church. Sacramento: Herder and Herder, 1964. Print. Shaw, Russell. Papal primacy in the third millennium. New York: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 2000. Print. The Second Vatican Council. The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Dedicated to â€Å"The Immaculate†. The Vatican, May 2011.Web. Tuan, Catherine. Vatican II and ecumenism: A study in church history on Christian unity. London, UK: Kenrick Seminar, 1981. Print. This essay on The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council was written and submitted by user Ximena Nolan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.